I did my workout earlier this morning and already I feel the effects of it. This right here is why I love deadlifts so much. I did not work my traps or shoulders at all today and yet they are both extremely sore. Why? Because I worked them indirectly as part of the deadlift process.
Today I hit a personal best on the deadlift, lifting 225 pounds for 10 reps in 4 sets. It felt amazing to get that much weight up off the ground repetitively.
It got me thinking about being sore and what that means on various levels. I've been talking this week about goals, planning and discipline. I did a podcast today on tips to motivate yourself at the gym. It all fits in with soreness. You can be sore because you hurt yourself or because your angry, but you can be sore because you worked hard or lifted alot of weight. Obviously, hard work leads to wonderful things, so that type of soreness is a good thing.
Today, after my third set of deadlifts, I felt like I had been completely drained. I started to think about the fact that I'd be posting the workout log and that accountability factor got me back in there for one more set. While I managed to do just 6 repetitions for that final set, I did manage to complete the fourth set. I'm not sure I'd have done that without the accountability factor.
It is all about ratcheting up the positive pressure as Adam calls it. Putting yourself out there in front of the world is not something I would have normally done. However, I read Adam's article on accountability and decided to give it a try. The more that people come to my blog and read it and leave comments, the more bold I feel. I have started to feel like anything is possible because there is such immense power in numbers. I know that if I want to accomplish something, all I have to do is post it here and I won't have any choice but to accomplish it. Failure isn't an option at that point because all of you will call me on it. I can see myself reaching every single goal I have and that's just not something I felt prior to this blog being made public.
“Accountability breeds response ability.” — Stephen R. Covey
“A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.” — Joseph Fort Newton
Until tomorrow…