I get asked alot of questions, but there is one in particular that comes up alot. I am often asked what I think of a particular workout method. Usually this question is accompanied by a list of exercises. The expectation is that I am going to critique the entire plan and at times I do if there is something obvious. However, the most common answer I give by far is “Just try it and see if it works for you!”
Everybody is different. Our bodies respond to stimulus in different ways. That’s what the Experiment of One is all about. You learn through experience what works for you and what does not work for you. Please understand that it is not about trial and error. This is all about informed experiments that you implement.
Keeping good records is essential to properly executing the Experiment of One. Having a good attitude is also important. Consistently attacking each workout and going beyond (a place where pain is no longer relevant) is also essential. Only by doing this can you truly compare results and make decisions about what works for you. Think about it—if you phone in a workout this week and then next week attack it with ferocious intensity, are you really giving the first workout a fair shake? Of course you aren’t!
Approach the gym the way you would an assignment from your boss. Do all of the things you should do and do them with maximum effort. You will find that your mental attitude will slowly change. You will get tougher and stronger, not only physically, but mentally. The Experiment of One is at work changing you on the inside and the outside.