Goal As of 11/17/2007 |
Actual As of 11/17/2007 |
Body Weight | 234 | 232 |
LBM | 190.71 | 189.78 |
Body Fat % | 18.5% | 18.2% |
It seems that keepng the LBM up to goal levels during this time period is going to be difficult, but I've modified the plan (thanks to some advice from fellow shredders and a couple of others I've spoken to) and still want to hit the same LBM goal, just in a different way. Right now I think I'm going to have to focus on body fat percent and get that down to where I want it. When I get to about 7 weeks away from my final 100 day goals, I will hopefully be at a lower body fat percentage than my ultimate goal. At that point, I will try to bulk up to reach the LBM number I'm aiming for.
Pictures and today's workout information will follow later today. Today's photos will be the photos I send to Adam for his blog and the Shredder Council stats.