We are at the half way point of the group shred and Adam has asked us to comment on four topics. Before I get to those, I wanted to mention that I did my cardio workout today and it left me feeling incredible. I could feel the metabolic boost for hours afterwards.
What has surprised you the most so far?
As many people have said, the most surprising thing for me is the amazing support that has come from the Shredder Council. People who didn't know each other have come together via the internet and given each other much needed support. However, equally as surprising to me is how focused effort can bring noticeable results in just one week. Through the use of daily accountability photos, I see differences in every single person on the Shredder Council and it has only been seven days.
What are your own personal milestones so far?
So far I have several milestones that have happened in the past week. My body fat is the lowest it has ever been at 18.5% (using the Fat Track II calipers from Accumeasure). My weight is the lowest it has been in 5 years (231 pounds). I completed a personal best with my deadlifts (185 lbs x 4 sets x 10 reps). I have maintained focus on my nutrition for one entire week and it is getting easier and easier to make the right decisions.
What victories have you posted so far?
There have been a few victories in the past seven days for me. The first one was managing to stay focused on my nutrition during times of stress. The other was pushing myself even harder in the gym this week than ever before.
What challenges have you faced and overcome so far?
I sound like a broken record, but just remaining so focused on nutrition this week was a major challenge and I have pulled it off. Not eating during times of stress and just staying the course as far as nutrition goes was huge and I'm proud of myself for that. I am also in the middle of leading an office move and yet I've managed to go to the gym every day and I have not missed a workout. All of this has happened in the past seven days. At the same time, when I think of challenges, I think of my back surgery. Christy got me thinking about it again through some of her wonderful questions and I realized that is a major challenge that I've overcome. I am in the gym doing exercises many people are afraid of and I'm making constant gains with those exercises.
Those are the four things Adam asked us to comment on. As for me, I had another busy day, but the good news is that AT&T arrived today to install the data circuit and we are on track for the move on Friday. I have noticed so many changes in myself this past week. One strange thing is that when faced with making food choices, I tend to think “If I don't pick right it might cause me to have a bad photo and I'm going to have to post that and then explain it to everyone!” That gets me to make the right decision. Adam is right that the daily accountability pictures are an awesome tool.
I want to thank Adam for the hard work he has put into this group shred. He is so caring and he is supportive of all of us. I'm impressed with the amount of time he dedicates to this project.
I guess one last amazing thing is the friendships that I see developing amongst the Shredder Council. Something tells me that we are blazing a trail here that others will follow.
Until tomorrow…