I read on Discuss Bodybuilding that if you want the rest of your body to grow, you have to workout your legs and work them out hard. I took that to heart today.
Leg Extensions (ss)
115×12; 125×10; 150×15
Lying Leg Curl (ss)
105×12; 115×10; 140×10
Standing Calf Raises (ss)
180×12; 210×10; 210×11
Barbell Squat (ss)
115×12; 185×10; 205×9(!)
Seated Calf Raises (ss)
115×12; 125×12; 135×15
Deadlift (ss)
115×12; 165×10; 185×7
I used a chair underneath myself to determine how low to go on the squats. It worked! I was able to hit perfect form using the chair as my guide.
The deadlifts practically kill me! They are seriously a tough exercise.