Today I got back to my workouts. I hit my shoulders hard yet again.
Front DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×13; 25×10; 25×8; 25×8; 10×15
Arnold Press (ss)
40×13; 45×10; 45×8; 45×8; 35×15
Rear DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×12; 15×10; 20×8; 20×8; 10×15
Side DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×12; 15×10; 20×8; 20×8; 10×15
DB Shrug (ss)
60×12; 65×10; 70×8; 70×8; 60×15
Military Press (ss)
75×10; 85×10; 85×8; 85×8; 55×15
Wow! This week is the final in the Progressive Load cycle of my program. I have added a 5th set and the intensity has been increased–just 30 seconds rest between exercises and 1 minute between supersets. For those who don't remember, I use a stopwatch to time this, so the rest periods are very much what I state above.
I was ready to vomit during this workout it was so intense. My shoulders actually hurt as I was leaving the gym! They got blasted today.
I'm really working on feeling the muscle being worked as it is being worked. It really seems to help my focus.