A week ago I started a new training program created by Tom Venuto called The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program. This program operates off the principle that you can both gain muscle and lose fat at the same time by following some simple principles as outlined in the program. These principles combine nutritional elements with training elements to get you into the best shape of your life.
TomVenuto is famous for his best-selling eBook, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. In that eBook, Tom sets the stage for the proper way to eat so that you lose the maximum amount of fat. He sets forth a basic plan for losing the fat using a 40/40/20 macronutrient ratio. However, that isn't all Tom does in that eBook. He also discusses some advanced strategies, one of which he trumpets in The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program.
The main thing anyone attempting a transformation needs to understand is that nutrition is 80-90% of the equation. The saying goes “You can't out train a bad diet” and it is very true. I am one who will testify to that fact. I've spent the past 5 years building some muscle, but I have not gotten into the shape I'd like to be in because I have not watched my diet correctly. I have tried things that have caused me trouble. I am going to do a series on this issue and you are definitely going to want to read it. For now, just know that eating right is not a trick. It is easy to do. Bodybuilders have been doing it for decades.
You will do better if you don't get too extreme. There are definitely reasons for the extreme approach, but it shouldn't be where you go first.
Refeed Days
The key to this system is that it keeps your body guessing on the nutritional level. The simple explanation is that you spend 3 days eating at a caloric deficit and 1 day eating at maintenance (or slightly higher than maintenance). This fluctuation in calories every three days keeps your body guessing and growing. The refeed day is the higher calorie day. You accomplish the increase in calories by simply increasing the carbohydrates in your diet.
For me, the lower calorie days have me hitting a macronutrient ratio of 35/35/30 (Protein/Carbs/Fat). On my refeed days I hit a ratio of 30/50/20 (Protein/Carbs/Fat). What I've noticed already (and I've been doing this nutritional part for 4 weeks now) is that I don't crave junk food. I've spoken to numerous nutritionists about this phenomenon and they all agree on the reason.
Insulin Addiction
I am convinced, after talking to several nutritionists, that people are addicted to the rush of insulin they get when they eat junk food. It is like any other addiction–they have to get the rush. When you begin eating right you get your insulin levels under control. After a short time, you no longer crave that insulin rush. That is why you no longer crave junk food all the time. It is an amazing feeling to watch other people eat junk and not have the urge to eat the same thing.
Hardcore Training
Tom Venuto was a natural bodybuilding competitor, so his training techniques are intense. Tom calls the training portion of The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program the TNB Workout. This stands for “The New Bodybuilding Workout” and approaches things in a different manner than most bodybuilding plans.
TNB is a four day split with the body split into an upper and a lower workout. These workouts are repeated 2 times each week. The key to the system is the constant changing up of the variables involved. You can find out more by reading the TNB report. Be warned: this is not for the weak!
I have just completed one week of the TNB workout and I have never felt DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness) like I have with this program. The program pushes you to your limits. I will continue to update you on my progress during this program, but I already believe it is something that will benefit everyone.