With all the many programs available on the internet, should you be trying the cookie cutter approach or does the Experiment of One apply to everyone? I don’t think you are going to be surprised by my conclusions, but I am going to share them anyway. At its deepest level, the Experiment of One involves a lot more complexity than you would think. With that in mind, let’s focus on the simpler aspects of the Experiment of one and determine if it should apply to everyone. Let’s do this with the understanding that if we decide it should apply to everyone, we must immediately begin applying it to our own programs. The Experiment of One states that you are on a trip of discovery of your self. You are discovering who you are physically, emotionally and mentally and then applying what you find. There are well-intentioned people who fail on “proven” programs because those programs do not sit well with who the person is. The Experiment of One provides the solution for this. The process is quite simple. Your first job is to clearly identify your end result. What is it you actually want? If you fail to do this step you will just be setting yourself up for failure. Your next job is to prepare for getting yourself to the end result. What things do you need to start doing? What things do you need to stop doing? What things do you need to continue doing? Answer these questions honestly and you will be preparing yourself for the end result. You must next determine the road map. How are you going to get to the end result and what are the milestones you must meet along the way? This is where you set up short term and long term goals that you will then draw in to get to the end result. Your next step is to take action. Be focused in your action that you take. This is going to be your primary focus each day. Always ask what you can do today to further develop what you did yesterday. Always ask yourself what you need to avoid today to avoid undoing what you did yesterday. If you follow this plan, the end result will be achieved. Does this work for everyone? Yes, it does. It is a personal plan and it is fit to you. It is like a pair of shoes. I am sure that I cannot fit into my wife’s shoes and she cannot properly fit into mine. They are fitted for our own feet. This is the same with the Experiment of One—it is fitted for you personally. So stop stressing about what internet plan to follow. Follow the steps outlined above and you will be further along than most people in quite a short period of time. |
Today was a cardio session. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill using steady state. |
Confusion will just lead to even more confusion. |
Have you conducted the Experiment of One? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |