Reassessment is a necessary evil in all things that involve goals. When we first set goals we tend to over extend ourselves. The only way to know this is to create the plan, execute the plan, review the results and revise the plan as necessary.
You already created the plan and began executing the plan. Today we review and revise as necessary.
In order to do this, you need to accurately review your results so far. When I say “accurately” I mean with a critical eye. You can't let your emotions take over here. You have to be brutally honest with yourself. Excuses need to be set aside. Any issues you've had need to be thought through and you need to revise your plan to consider those potential issues in the future. Your overall goal should be to get a minimum of 80% compliance to all of your goals. So where do you start?
I want you to go through the following questions and then make the adjustments necessary.
Are you eating clean 80% of the time?
Are you eating enough?
Are you planning your meals ahead of time?
Are you exercising at least 3 times a week with weights?
Are you getting at least 4 cardio sessions in a week?
Are you making excuses for yourself–whether real or imagined?
Now take those answers and get to work fixing your plan.
Not eating clean 80% of the time? Set a goal to eliminate one of the cheat meals you've been having. Thus, if you completely slipped and have not been eating clean at all, start out by eating one clean meal today.
Not eating enough food? Up your calories by 5% each day until you hit the number you should be at and then stick to that.
Not planning your meals? This is the biggest mistake you will make and your only possible correction is to do the planning.
Not exercising at least 3 times a week with weights? Add 1 day of weight training this week and another next week, and so on, until you hit this goal. Do the same with cardio.
Making excuses for yourself? Unless you are physically incapable of exercising all excuses are just that–excuses. If you really give it some thought you will realize that the excises are not valid. Simply don't allow your excuses to keep you from your goals.
Revise your plan and get back to working hard!