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![]() I named the next 8 days "Rest 4.5" because it is a rest period that takes place between M4 and M5 (11/29/2008 thru 12/6/2008). This will be an active rest period meaning that I will continue my cardio and my abdominal training. I am merely letting my body rest from weight training. The one exception is that tomorrow I will be doing a test workout to determine the rep ranges for the various exercises I will be using during M5. The concept that Carlos DeJesus has thrown my way is extremely scientific in that it asks you to figure out your own personal high and low repetition range for each exercise prior to beginning the program. This insures that you are working at your optimal range for each workout. The concept is simple: (1) determine your 1 rep maximum; (2) rest 5 minutes; (3) do a set to complete failure with 80% of your 1 rep maximum; (4) add 15% to the number of repetitions you did in #3 and that becomes your high end of the range; (5) subtract 15% from the number of repetitions that you did in #3 and that becomes your low end of the range. As an example, if you can do 200 lbs. on the bench press as your 1 rep maximum, you would use 160 lbs. for your test set. If you were able to complete 8 repetitions with 160 lbs. you would then use 9 for your high end and 7 as your low end, so for bench press you would aim to hit a minimum of 7 repetitions and when you were able to do 9 repetitions it would be time to add some weight and start over. I love the concept and can't wait to see how things workout. ![]()
The weight lifting program will be a High Intensity Training program that will run for 10 complete weeks. It will have certain body part focuses on various weeks. The aim is to spur growth in lagging body parts. This is accomplished through some special supersets that are interspersed into the H.I.T. workouts. I am dying to give this a try because supersets combined with H.I.T. is going to be incredibly intense to say the least! M5 will end on Valentine's Day 2009. My PRW for this mission is to be in the greatest shape of my life for my wife on Valentine's Day. Accountability During M5 |
![]() Today was a one hour steady state cardio session. I walked on the treadmill for the entire time. |
![]() Having a goal in mind is one of the keys to success when going through a transformation. |
![]() How often do you reevaluate and redefine your goals? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M4:D100 (D400) The Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine – Results Speak for Themselves!
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![]() ![]() Average Increase in Weight Lifted (across all exercises): 52% Thigh Extension Increase in Weight Lifted: 32%
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![]() I have become a muscle building fat burning machine and I won't ever turn back. |
![]() What are you currently doing to turn yourself into a muscle building fat burning machine? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M4:D99 (D399) M4 Coming to a Close
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![]() Happy Thanksgiving to all those in the United States! My M4 is coming to a close, with tomorrow being the final day. What great timing–my final workout of my 12 week H.I.T. cycle happens on the final day of my M4! I did not plan it that way, it just worked out that way. Alot has happened in the past 400 days, but the majority of my muscular gains have come in the past 12 weeks. I am completely excited to see what happens over the next mission. I am currently dialoging with Carlos DeJesus regarding M5 and potentially M6. I threw an idea at Carlos and was interested in his response. Together we have decided upon two new missions, one for M5 and another for M6. I will also be setting some strength goals very soon. In fact, on the Day 400 post I will simply post my results from M4. There will be no commentary. I will just post my results, my accountability log, my workout log, the burning thought and the question of the day, that's it. I will be letting the results speak for themselves. Day 401 will have my goals for M5 and an outline of M5. I have decided that M5 will not start right away. I am going to take that 1 week of rest and not include that in M5. I think I will call that week "M4 I'd like to give a shout out to Mike Groom: Aussie Body Builder. He is fast approaching 400 days of consecutive blogging as well. Mike started his blog up just a few days after mine. He has become a very good friend to me and I wish him well as he forges on towards the New Year! |
![]() Today was an interval cardio day. I completed my usual intervals on the treadmill. |
![]() Today is a day to be extra thankful. |
![]() What are you thankful for? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M4:D98 Happy Birthday!
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![]() Today is my daughter, Ashley's, 17th birthday! Please join me in wishing her a Happy Birthday! We took her out for an Italian dinner. I had meatballs and salad. It was delicious. We had alot of fun. Today I had some time to think (took the day off) and I started thinking about a concert I attended on Friday with my son, Matthew. Matty got invited by a hockey friend to go see As I Lay Dying (a Christian hard core band) at the Grove in Anaheim. I went along to chaperone. I actually like the music, but was not impressed with what I had heard on MP3. The concert itself was incredibly good. The music was very powerful and the band was extremely good live. However, what struck me is how hard the crowd was working during the show. Here were a bunch of kids who probably would never want to touch iron at the gym and they were busy moshing. Yes, they were pushing and shoving each other around. They even did crowd surfing! I was amazed at how much my leg strength came into play while this was going on. You see, I love being up front when a good band is playing, but with this band, up front was the war zone! I had to use my leg strength to avoid being pushed down by the many people pushing and shoving. Who would have thought that I could use my weight training at a concert? |
![]() Today was a nice interval cardio session on the step mill. 30 minutes with the heart rate bouncing between 145 BPM and 105 BPM. What a fun time! |
![]() Strength comes in many forms and how you use it is determined by your mental toughness. |
![]() How do you use your strength in your life? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D97 (D397) One to go!
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![]() Today was my second to last workout in my current 12 week H.I.T. cycle. I was actually disappointed in the workout and feel that I really need that rest that is coming soon. I can only tell you that I felt extremely sick to my stomach doing this workout. Part of it was because of the intensity and part of it was because I felt tired. My body was tired and for sure it was just temporary. I can tell the difference between being overtrained and just having a bad day and today was just a bad day. Mentally I just wan't that into the workout. I managed to crank through the entire workout, but it wasn't pretty towards the end. I now have one more workout to go. This Friday will be the final workout in this current H.I.T. cycle. I will then get a week off and start my new program. Another milestone is looming. I will be at 400 straight days of blogging in a very short 3 days from now. It seems like such a long time but at the same time, it flew by. I am excited to see where life takes me in the next few months. I have my plans in place and now I have to work them. That is going to determine what happens. |
![]() ![]() Intensity! That's all there is to it. If anyone had told me that I'd be lifting 220 lbs. with the thigh extension machine I'd have laughed and here I am doing it for 10 reps. Calf raises at 820 lbs! Squats for 255 lbs. x 12 reps! I'm benching 175 lbs. for 8 reps right now. That one shocks me. Bench has always been my weakest exercise and even that is coming along wonderfully. Deads felt awesome today! I even got a compliment from a powerlifter at the gym who said I should get involved in powerlifting. I laughed it off, but it felt good to have someone recognize the work I've been doing. I felt much better than the last workout I did. I had tons of energy. |
![]() Focus on the future by planning for the future and the future will be bright. |
![]() What have you changed about your focus for the next year? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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