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![]() Today’s post is going to be short and sweet because it is my wife’s birthday and I want to spend it with her and not writing a blog post. I hope you will forgive me for my brevity. Had a great workout today. It was the start of a new week and this week is focused on the calves. Amazing how working the calves causes you to be a little more tired in other leg exercises. More on this in the workout log area below. |
![]() Mike’s Workout Log: ![]() Matty’s Workout Log: Today’s workout was different. I have never really focused on my calves before and the idea was to get them pumped up. This workout definitely accomplished that. One thing I changed (in keeping up with the spirit of the Experiment of One) was the rep speed. This program calls for 2 seconds postiive, 4 seconds negative movement. This just hasn’t felt as intense as it should, so I switched to a 3 seconds positive, 3 seconds negative program. It definitely made things seem more intense and we both had trouble with some of the exercises as a result. We stepped up and did standing calf raises. I am supposed to be working in the range of 9 to 12 repetitions and I was able to do 19, so I knew the weight was clearly too light for me. I immediately went to the lying leg curl with no rest. I was amazed that working the calves first had a strong effect on the lying leg curl. It hurt like hell, but I pushed through. Matty was dripping with sweat after just the second exercise. We then did seated calf raises (even through the log says calf raise on leg press—the leg press machine was occupied). We went straight back to leg curls. That was 2 supersets for the legs. My legs were extremely tired. We moved into the rest of the workout feeling excited. Our calves were extremely pumped up. I swear mine were an inch bigger after the 2 supersets. It was an incredible feeling! The rest of the workout was fairly routine for a H.I.T. session. I faced the overhead press and was disappointed that I was 2 reps lower than my previous workout. That disappointment didn’t last long as I managed a personal best on the bench press. I hit 175 lbs. for 8 repetitions. I have never done 175 lbs. for repetitions in my life. According to this I should be hitting my bench press goal during this mission. Granted, I am still 45 lbs. away from the actual goal, but I can see that happening over the next 6 weeks. I only have to add 8 pounds a week to get to my goal. The insane part of this workout came towards the end. I did a set of leg extensions with 210 lbs. and managed 13 repetitions. I then had to climb on board the Quad Blaster and upped the weight to 50 lbs. I am not sure what this equates to for a squat (Carlos DeJesus can clue us in on this), but the intensity felt greater than a 250 lb. barbell squat does. Needless to say, I was fried as I was leaving the gym for the day. Matty was walking funny after his Quad Blaster set. The bar has been raised. |
![]() Birthday celebrations are an important thing when you are young and not so important when you are older. |
![]() How important is your birthday to you? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M5:D22 (D430) Giving it away
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Today was a day of giving things away. Well, at least two things were given away—1 willingly and 1 not so willingly. Allow me to explain. As you all know by now, my son, Matty, is a goalie on a pretty bad hockey team. The team has not won a game yet this season, even against must weaker opponents. His team is currently involved in a Christmas tournament. At the same time, I’ve been holding tickets to the Chargers v. Broncos game for close to 6 months. The game happened to be on the same day as one of his games. Because we had no chance at the championship game, I spoke to the coach and got his approval for Matty to attend the football game with me. This was done yesterday. Throughout the night I kept waking up thinking “What if they win and we are not there?” It was really bothering me. When I woke up I spoke to Matty about it. He admitted to having the same thought. After some time he told me he was calling the coach and he was going to the game. At that point I knew I had to make a big decision. I was going to give away tickets to see my favorite team (the Broncos) so that I could watch my son play hockey. We gave the tickets to a neighbor and it literally made his day. He was so excited. Fast forward several hours and I am at the hockey rink. The game starts and obviously our team is the better team. We manage to score a goal in the second period. Later, our other goalie (who was playing because the coach promised him he’d play the day before when he thought Matty would be in San Diego) and one of our defensemen botched a play on the puck and an easy goal was scored. The game remained tied at 1-1 for a very long time. With 18 seconds left, one of our forwards made a mistake, passed the puck back into our zone to one of our defensemen. The defenseman looked up and tried to clear our zone. He hit a very weak pass and it was intercepted by the other team who came in 1 on 0 on the goalie and scored to take a 2-1 lead with just 18 seconds left! Yes, we had managed to give away what would have been the first game we DIDN’T lose. Needless to say, it was a huge disappointment! The Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine Video Podcast – 12/28/2008 – Weight training
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![]() I did 60 minutes of steady state cardio today. I think I am going to be using Cardio Coach in the New Year. I really like those workouts and my current workouts are not working as well as I’d like anymore. I think I’ve plateaued, so I need to change it up. |
![]() Plateaus can take you off course unless you recognize them and make changes. |
![]() How do you handle plateaus in your workouts? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M5:D21 (D429) Expanding your influence
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![]() One way to learn even more about a subject is to teach someone else what you already know. By doing this you confirm that you have the knowledge firmly implanted in your brain and you reaffirm some of the information you may have forgotten. Teaching someone else a technique or process requires you to essentially relearn every aspect of that technique or process. While doing this, you get better at whatever it is you are teaching. So how do you expand your influence in an area? One obvious way is to start teaching the subject to other people. Expanding your influence doesn’t have to mean taking over the world. It can simply mean pushing yourself harder, further, faster, more frequently. To expand your influence in the fitness arena find someone to mentor. Find someone who knows less than you about the subject and begin teaching them everything you know. This process will accomplish several things for you. Increased knowledge Increased confidence Increased execution Conclusion |
![]() Today was a 30 minute interval session on the elipptical trainer. |
![]() When you teach you learn and when you learn you earn. |
![]() How have you been expanding your influence? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M5:D20 (D428) Social Networking 101 (Part 2 of 2)
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![]() Today I continue my series on Social Networking 101. I am going to cover the following topics in this article:
This article is will help you understand and get started with Social Networking. Why Social Networking Matters Social networking matters. It matters because it is the way the new global community is developing. Sites like eBay, Craigslist, Wikipedia, del.icio.us, and Skype are enabling us to connect with like-minded people around the world. It enables you to do more than just retrieve information. Sites like Myspace and Facebook are exploding because they give you an opportunity to both share information and retrieve the information you want and need. Failure to get in touch with social networking is going to result in being left behind technology-wise. Anyone who wants to have an active web presence in the future is going to need to be part of the social networking scene. One way to get started is to be sure to link to other people when doing your blog posts. Reciprocal linking is a key to success in social networking. It is important to note that email, instant messaging and the telephone do not fall in the Web 2.0 realm because they are not web applications. How to use Twitter to make fitness connections The window above (as best you can see it) gives me the ability to enter a 140 character message (note the big “140” next to the “What are you doing?” text). Below that you can see pictures and some text. These are the “tweets” of the people I am actively following. You will also note that my Twitter page is customized to my own background. I am following 137 people at the minute and I have 114 people following me. This means that anytime I send a tweet it goes to 114 people. Twitter also gives you the ability to send direct messages to anyone that is following you and whom you are following. This enables you to talk privately with anyone you are following/being followed by. You can join the Twitter revolution at http://www.twitter.com. An example of some great fitness professionals you can connect with on Twitter: Tom Venuto, Marc David, Craig Ballantyne, Scott Tousignant and many others. Twitter gives you the ability to share links and pictures as well, all in a 140 character space! Give it a try and you won’t be sorry. Just be sure to reciprocate. Updating your social networking sites from one location With hellotxt you can select ahead of time the sites you want updated (I update Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed). You then type your update status in the box and it gets sent out to all your choices at the same time. Hellotxt supports a large combination of social networking sites. See http://www.hellotxt.com to join and for more information. Ping.fm isn’t much different from hellotxt in features that it provides. I just found that the mobile interface to hellotxt was faster and since I do alot of updating from cell phone, I chose to stick with hellotxt and not Ping.fm. I know alot of people who love Ping.fm and use it exclusively. Increasing Positive Pressure Thro I use Facebook. I do two things to increase the positive pressure using Facebook: I post the URL to my blog and I import (automatically) my blog entries.
By doing these two things I drive people to my blog. The URL listing on my Facebook profile has gotten me readers who knew me but didn’t know about my blog. At the same time, adding my blog posts to my profile keeps them in front of even more people. This ratchets up the positive pressure on me. Updating your status with information about your blog is another way to keep the positive pressure high.
How to Promote Your Fitness Product Using Social Networking Web 2.0 has a huge advertising and marketing component to it. People do videos and then post them for others to see. In these videos they promote their product. There is no other way you can get your product in front of so many people so quickly. Social networking is the key to quick distribution of information, including marketing materials. You can even market products as an affiliate using social networking sites. Just be careful. Don’t turn into a spammer or you will lose followers on Twitter and friends on Facebook. I personally get disgusted when someone asks me to join a group on Facebook and after I join I start getting several messages a day advertising a product. It is annoying and I wind up leaving the group immediately. Conclusion |
![]() Mike’s Workout Log: ![]() Matty’s Workout Log: Yet another great workout using the H.I.T. style of training. The giant sets for the quads continue to kill us both. It is incredible how those at the beginning of the workout really change the complexion of the workout. |
![]() Having a workout partner is going to help you push yourself even harder than you do alone. |
![]() Do you use a workout partner to up the intensity of your workouts? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M5:D19 (D427) Social Networking 101 (Part 1 of 2)
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![]() Before we get started on social networking, I wanted to thank my guest posers today: Mitchell and Bob the Panda. They joined me for this awesome photo. By the way, check out my shoulders…I see some changes developing there! Today we often hear the terms Web 2.0 and Social Networking. These are related issues that I plan to discuss further in this two part series on social networking. Web 2.0 The idea of Web 2.0 revolves around applications that have interactive features. Fresh and useful data is the core of Web 2.0. The primary focus of any Web 2.0 application is participation rather than publishing. The idea is to trust others to provide reliable content. Blog comments are one example of this type of focus. You may have noticed that many news articles now allow you to make comments. This is a Web 2.0 application. Social Networking Facebook: ![]() Facebook is an extremely involved social networking site. On this site you are able to link up with other people and share information. I have found Facebook to be extremely useful for both marketing and personal purposes. I will discuss the marketing perspective in Part 2. The personal side is obvious. You are able to link up to other friends and stay in touch with what is going on in their lives. While this was not my initial purpose for Facebook, I have learned that an important part of social networking is getting to know other people MySpace: ![]() MySpace is similar to Facebook. It is more aimed at a younger crowd in my opinion and definitely leans towards personal use rather than business use. Twitter: ![]() Twitter is an interesting tool. All tweets (as they are called) are limited to 140 characters. You follow people and they follow you. You are able to see the tweets of those you follow. You can then reply to them or add to them as you see fit. What ends up happening is a giant discussion breaks out between many different people. Twitter is a very useful social networking application because it enables you to get to know alot of people on a personal level. I have made many friends via Twitter. At the same time, I’ve found some extremely useful information through the tweets that I read. Friendfeed:
![]() This service combines the feeds from various places (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) into one location. It makes it easier to stay up with what your friends are doing, but I don’t really like using Friendfeed that much. The theory here is the same as the other social networking sites—you connect to people who connect you to other people and that just gives you massive exposure. Hellotxt:
![]() As you get more and more involved with social networking you will want to update your status on a regular basis. Hellotxt is an application that allows you to update a multitude of social networking sites all at once via the Hellotxt interface. At the same time, all the previous statuses are saved for your review. I use this site alot, even from my cell phone. Conclusion: There are alot of social networking sites these days and they all have the same basic purpose—to put like-minded people together so that they can accomplish whatever purpose they have set out to accomplish. I will be discussing how to use these sites to your benefit in the next installment of this series. Check back for the next installment and you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about using social networking to increase your own accountability. |
![]() I woke up today at 5 a.m. and wound up going for a 3 mile run for my morning cardio. |
![]() Merry Christmas! |
![]() How have the holidays effected your fitness program? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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