The stats are in for the week. Here they are:
Item | Measurement |
Current Weight (lbs) | 222 |
Previous Weight (lbs) | 223 |
Goal Weight (lbs) | 228 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | 1 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -5 |
Current Body Fat % | 13.5% |
Previous Body Fat % | 14.0% |
Goal Body Fat % | 14.5% |
Variance to previous | -0.5% |
Variance to goal | -1.0% |
Current LBM (lbs) | 192.90 |
Previous LBM (lbs) | 190.92 |
Goal LBM (lbs) | 194.94 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | +1.98 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -2.04 |
I gained 1 pound this week. I dropped 0.98 pounds of fat and gained 1.98 pounds of lean body mass, so this is a success for me. This has me considering my goals for Mission 2 carefully. My body fat % goal for February 3 is 13% and I'm almost there.
Accountability Plan for This Week:
Sunday, 1/13/2008:
Metabolic Surge, fruit day
18 glasses of water
HIIT Cardio Session for 30 minutes
Monday, 1/14/2008:
Metabolic Surge, 40/40/20
18 glasses of water
Squats and Deadlift Shrugs 3 x 15 (supersetted)
Bulgarian Split Squats and Step Ups 3 x 15 (supersetted)
Reverse crunches 3 sets
Steady Cardio Session for 45 minutes
Chin up session
Tuesday, 1/15/2008:
Metabolic Surge, 40/40/20
18 glasses of water
HIIT Cardio Session for 30 minutes
Wednesday, 1/16/2008:
Metabolic Surge, 40/40/20
18 glasses of water
DB Incline Bench Press and Cable Seated Row 5 x 5 (supersetted)
DB Shoulder Press and Wide grip lat pulldown 5 x 5 (supersetted)
BB close grip bench press and High pull 5 x 5 (supersetted)
Swiss ball crunches 3 sets
HIIT Cardio Session for 30 minutes
Chin up session
Thursday, 1/17/2008:
Metabolic Surge, 40/40/20
18 glasses of water
HIIT Cardio for 45 minutes
Chin up session
Friday, 1/18/2008:
Metabolic Surge, 40/40/20 with cheat meal
18 glasses of water
Squats and Deadlift Shrugs 4 x 10 (supersetted)
Bulgarian Split Squats and Step Ups 4 x 10 (supersetted)
Reverse crunches 3 sets
HIIT Cardio Session for 30 minutes
Chin up session
Saturday, 1/19/2008:
Metabolic Surge, low carb
18 glasses of water
Rest day today
Monday through Friday my nutrition plan starts at 4:30 a.m. while it starts at 6 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. I am currently experimenting with cardio techniques to maximize the fat loss in the next 4 days.
My pics and the rest of my day will be coming later.
Until then…