What do you do about the gym goofball? You know the goofball…the guy who thinks being at the gym is all about making jokes and teasing other people. He goes around annoying anyone who will listen. There are a few simple strategies for dealing with the gym goofball.
Engaging the Gym Goofball is a No No
The key strategy here is to just ignore this person. They are not serious like you, so why engage with them at all? All that does is encourage the gym goofball to continue their bad behavior. We cannot change them, but we can certainly ignore them.
Listen to Music to Avoid the Gym Goofball
I personally do my best to always train with music playing. It not only benefits me because my workouts are more intense, I also avoid the gym goofball because even the gym goofball knows not to bother someone with headphones on.
Don't Be Caught Sitting Around
Stay busy while you are in the gym. Always be doing something. If you're not lifting then you should be logging what you just did or tracking your time in between sets. Whatever you do, don't get caught by the gym goofball being idle.
Is There Really a Gym Goofball?
The joke may be on you. I wrote this piece as a way to lighten the mood for the day. Yes, people do joke around at the gym and no, we don't want to be part of their time wasting ways while we work hard at the gym, but it really isn't as big a problem as this article makes it seem. Smile. Have fun. Enjoy what you do.