Today I was browsing through some photos as I was organizing them and I came across a photo I took exactly 3 months ago. At that point (3 months ago) I was completely unhappy with my progress. I entered into the Group Shred about 6 weeks later and since then I've been extremely focused and very happy with my results. Take a look at the photo I found below:

I am amazed at the difference in these pictures. I decided to take today's picture and compare the one from 3 months ago to show that while I was very unhappy with my previous progress, a few adjustments have made it possible for me to head on the right path. Yes, the accountability factor of daily pictures has done wonders for my inspiration and focus. Those of you reading this blog and wondering when you are finally going to get some positive results had better start blogging and posting daily pictures. It was the impetus I needed to push me towards my goals.
Today while doing my cardio I was listening to a Jeff Anderson podcast. I got about halfway through it, but something sticks in my mind. His guest states that the #1 mistake people make when embarking on a fitness plan is not remaining committed to their goal! That's right! The biggest mistake people make is not doing everything they can to achieve their goal. They don't make the daily decisions necessary for getting to the goal. They continually think that tomorrow is another day. They believe they have time to catch up. That is the wrong way. It is a huge mistake.
If you want to make progress with your fitness plan I encourage you to start a blog and post daily accoutability pictures. Get others to link to your blog to increase the accountability pressure. You won't regret it. It will help you get past that #1 mistake most people make.
Stay tuned because the podcast is coming tomorrow!
Until tomorrow…