Looking at the above picture lets me know that I can, indeed, make my goals. Just 23 days into this and I can already see how my stomach is really thinning out. My chest is tighter and after measuring today, I've lost fat in my chest area as well. It is odd because I would have thought my stomach would first have shrunk inward from front to back and then from side to side, but the opposite is happening. I am thinner on the sides than I was 23 days ago. It is all very motivational just when I need it the most.
Yesterday I talked about being exhausted in my workout (see Mission 1, Day 22: Exhaustion). The feeling, as I described, was an awesome one. I woke up this morning with the feeling that I had definitely worked my lower back (deadlifts) and I could feel my traps were quite sore (deadlifts, 2 point row). My one disappointment was my chest. It didn't feel sore at all…until I touched it that is. Well, the disappointment quickly went away when I discovered that. Obviously, the exhaustion I felt was from working out to the fullest of my abilities. I left everything I had on the gym floor yesterday.
Today is a cardio day. As it is still early, I went and did a HIIT session this morning. I will do another tonight. It feels good, so good!
My nutrition is driving me crazy. Yesterday ended up way too high in fat. Today I'm struggling to meet my ratios. It is a low carb day, but the carbs are honestly way too low right now. I have not been having my usual yogurt and fruit and I think that is why my carbs are way too low at the present time. I am going to have to make some small adjustments over the next few days to get things back to where they need to be. I know my body and soon it will start complaining if I don't get things back to where they are supposed to be. At the same time, it is all an experiment anyway.
Tomorrow marks the next big milestone for the Shredder Council. We begin a 12 week shred that ends on January 8, 2008. I am so excited about the prospects of what we can all do during the next 12 weeks. It is an amazing feeling really. When you have the support of complete strangers who are all seeking the same types of goals as you it is possible to achieve anything. The fact that I know they are there holding me accountable drives me forward. I work alot harder because of their influence. It is strange but wonderful at the same time.
It is about time for me to change up my cardio workouts. I am still sticking with 2 cardio sessions on non-lifting days and 1 on lifting days, but I think I'm going to go back to using The Cardio Coach workouts as they are structured and I need that. Because the cardio coach workouts are longer, I think the plan will be to use them for 3 workouts each week. I will have 8 cardio workouts a week, so I will use cardio coach for just less than half of those workouts.
That's it for now. Until tomorrow…