The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #24
![]() I met Marc David over a year ago when I joined his affiliate program. Marc is a person who believes in connecting with others. He wrote me a personal email after checking out this very blog. After corresponding for a bit of time, Marc suggested we do an interview. My interview with Marc was awesome and I learned alot from the answers he gave me. Marc is known as the No Bull Bodybuilding Guy for a reason—he doesn’t mess around. Marc will tell you what is on his mind. He is passionate about bodybuilding and fitness. Like me, he believes there is too much bogus information out there. He also believes, like me, that too many people are in the fitness game just for the money and for no other reason. Marc has some excellent materials available on his websites. His informative site,, is all about bodybuilding and how the average Joe can get the most out of it. His blog site is Marc is the type of guy you are going to want to connect with. He can also be found on Twitter: @marc_david If you are looking for a bodybuilding coach you can trust, Marc is definitely that guy. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Cardio was king today. I had a double dose with steady state in the morning and Max OT in the afternoon. I am a muscle building fat burning machine! |
![]() When you are looking into a bodybuilding program you definitely do not want to be fed a bunch of bull. |
![]() How do you avoid all the bull that is available on the market today? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get Rid of Information Overload Now! Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
M6:D64 (D542) Great Coaches You Can Trust: Tom Venuto
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #23
![]() When I first made the decision that something had to change in my life so that I could lose weight, reduce my fat and increase my muscle, a particular book got my interest. I spent 2 to 3 months going through the book and checking out the claims it made. I did not find one problem with any of the content in the book. The book I refer to is Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. This was the start of my nutritional studies. For some reason the nutritional aspect of fitness really got my interest and it stuck with me. I have done more studying and reading about nutrition than I have about weight training. To me, the training comes easy. I understand it and I live it. The nutritional aspect was much more difficult to me and so I set out to study it and understand it fully. I have found that Tom Venuto does not get involved in selling bogus products. He doesn’t promote people with crazy ideas. Tom is very selective about whom he supports and that is a good thing. You can trust what you read on Tom’s sites and in his books. I sometimes wish Tom would do more on the internet to help cut through the garbage that is continually put out on the market. I would like to see Tom do more teleseminars and publish more reviews of the various systems that are available on the web. I have tried many of his training suggestions and I can’t complain. While he has a different philosophy than I do, I find that his training ideas are effective. He does not disappoint! If you are interested in a method for losing fat, Tom is the guy to go to. |
![]() ![]() Today was an awesome rest day. I spent it with my family. I loved my day today. |
![]() Finding a good mentor is one of the essential elements to training success. |
![]() Do you have a true mentor who can teach you how to be independent? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get Rid of Information Overload Now! Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D63 (D541) Great Coaches You Can Trust: Carlos DeJesus
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #14
![]() Today I begin a 4 part series on Great Coaches You Can Trust. Today I highlight Carlos DeJesus as a guru you can definitely believe in and trust. I will outline reasons why this is someone you can trust and should listen to. As you all know, I am very concerned about the garbage that is infiltrating people’s minds via internet “gurus” of today. I believe that you really need to check out everyone before you can trust them. I wrote an article M6 : D56 (D534) Seeking the Living Among the Dead wherein I discussed this very issue. It is a huge concern of mine and one that nobody should take lightly. For those of you who are with me on this, head on over to to sign up for my free eCourse and eNewsletter regarding this very topic. So who is Carlos DeJesus? Carlos is an undefeated champion natural bodybuilder. His major titles include the following: 1980 Winner Mr. Old Dominion (Virginia State Championship) Carlos is undefeated in tested competition. That alone is an amazing feat that I guarantee will never be recreated. Carlos is the inventor of the Quad Blaster, an awesome leg training device that gives all the benefits of squats without the risk of injury and back pain. Carlos teaches principles for you to follow. He does not try to make one size fit all. He believes in the Experiment of One and teaches principles that help you conduct that experiment. Carlos continually says that principles can be applied to any situation and bring about good results. He is a huge proponent of the High Intensity Training principle championed by Arthur Jones of Nautilus fame. You can trust this man. He walks the walk and talks the talk. When you need advice on getting your body into great shape why not talk to a proven champion? Carlos is that proven champion. In addition to the wonderful principles that Carlos teaches, he is an extremely humble man. He has done some amazing things in his life, yet he is not boastful. He has spend many hours on the phone with me personally, guiding me towards success. With the changes he expertly suggested for my program I have made some of the best progress of my life. For more on Carlos, check out this video from YouTube: |
![]() ![]() Today I had to miss my weight training due to recovering from a back spasm. I did manage to get in 45 minutes of walking on the treadmill up a steep incline. Starting Tuesday I will stop posting weight training logs because I will be using a program given to me by the World Champion himself. As he is writing a book about this training routine, I am not going to be sharing the results with you. I will probably simply post my weight volume (ie. take the number of reps and multiply it by the amount of weight I pushed). At least you will get to see progress that way. Matty is joining me in the new program as well. |
![]() Trust, but verify; that is the philosophy you need to follow. |
![]() How do you verify the information you receive from the internet? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get Rid of Information Overload Now! Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D62 (D540) Don’t Let an Injury Take You Out
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #21
![]() As I am currently finding out, injuries can really slow you down. I experienced a major back spasm this week and it has knocked me completely off my lifting schedule (M6 : D58 (D536) Ouch!). It is frustrating to say the least. If you want to avoid having injuries take you out, take the following advice. Warm Up Form Pay careful attention to exercise form. Develop the mind-muscle connection. Always be aware of exactly what muscles you are working and then feel the muscle working as you do the lifts for that muscle. Be aware of how your body feels as you do this. If you get to know the feeling of a particular muscle working you will be able to identify odd things that might occur. Macho Set aside your macho attitude. Lighten your load to something you can handle with good form. Always perfect your form before adding alot of weight to the exercise. Again, if you cannot establish the mind-muscle connection you are not going to have good form and you are going to be tempted to push your muscles harder and faster than they are ready for. Back off a little and do the work properly. You will get more gains and avoid injury. Back Off |
![]() ![]() Today I spent 60 minutes on the treadmill. I hate that I cannot lift. |
![]() Injuries will throw you off your game, so do whatever it takes to avoid them. |
![]() What is your injury avoidance plan? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get Rid of Information Overload Now! Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |
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M6:D61 (D539) How your chest grows
The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #20
![]() NOTE: Somewhere my day numbering got off, but I’ve corrected it with today’s post. No worries, you didn’t fall asleep and missed a day! The chest is an interesting set of muscles. The chest is made up of the upper and lower regions. Both regions together comprise what is known as your pecs. Getting this area to grow is usually a challenge for most people. However, with the right training and the right attitude, growth is definitely possible. The bench press is one of the key movements for adding mass to your chest. It is the primary upper body exercise. If you use the right form on a bench press you are going to see the results. For a good bench press, one that will spur chest growth, keep your shoulders flat on the bench, your elbows back and your chest should be stuck out. Make a conscious effort to feel the exercise in the chest. If you fail to feel it in the chest muscles you are likely not using correct form. The proper way to fix this is to go back and use a lighter weight and work on your form until you feel it in your chest muscles. Only then should you begin to increase the weights you are using. There are numerous variations of the bench press including incline, decline, flat, dumbbell presses and various machine presses. They all do wonders for your chest and all require that you feel the work happening in the chest muscles themselves. I am probably going to surprise some of you with my next statement. If you want chest growth you need to do heavy leg work. Deadlifts and the Quad Blaster will contribute to your chest growth. Go as heavy as you can go with this leg work and you will start to see changes in your chest. It sounds weird until you see it in action. A great place for working on your bench press is Critical Bench. They have programs for increasing how much you bench and for shaping your body as well. Check them out and see what they have that interests you. Just know that unless you are really looking for a way to increase the amount of weight you lift on your bench press, most of what they offer can be found through other tips on the internet. Chest tips sites M6 : D59 (D537) 10 Great Training Tips + 3 Bodybuilding Chest Training Tips |
![]() ![]() Due to my injury to my back, I missed today’s workout. I did do cardio for 60 minutes on the treadmill. |
![]() Being macho about the weight you lift can actually slow your progress. |
![]() What is your best chest growth tip? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Follow the Muscle Building Fat Burning Machine on Twitter!
Get Rid of Information Overload Now! Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? Th |
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