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![]() Be prepared because today is going to be a major rant. If you aren't in the mood you might want to just skip over this post entirely. I do not understand people who dabble. What is so hard about being dedicated to something? When you start down a path, why not finish what you started? To me, total dedication is a concept that is alien to alot of people and it frustrates me. I see it at the gym constantly. People come in here and there, but they don't dedicate themselves to the discipline of getting themselves into the gym. Dedication is required for a change to happen. It is this way in every area of life. Dedication isn't an option for me, it is mandatory. I cannot stand it when people only give a half effort when they do something. I've always been the type of person who dedicates some time to whatever it is I am doing. I read and study and learn. I guess that I just expect too much from other people. I don't see why it is too difficult to read up on a process before you execute it. Planning is everything and if you don't plan that's the same as planning to fail. If you are just starting your transformation, be assured that your level of success will be directly proportionate to your level of dedication. Dedicate yourself completely to the task at hand and you will see awesome progress. I personally can trace my results at certain times to my level of dedication at that time. You will be the same. Make a decision to make the change and then dedicate yourself to that decision. Don't give up. Don't get sidetracked. Work your plan with intensity and the results will follow. |
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![]() "A life lived with integrity – even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shinning star in whose light others may follow in the years to come. " Denis Waitley
![]() How have you become a light for others to follow? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M4:D83 (D383) Attention to Detail
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![]() When I first began my journey towards being a fat burning machine, I was really into tracking every single number. I would do my body fat % and all measurements weekly. It worked for me during that time. It kept me motivated. It showed me that I was making progress and that was something I needed at that time. At this point in time I only do measurements about every other week. I do not need the constant reinforcement that I used to need. I know the systems I've chosen are working for me, so I have no problem with doing less frequent measurements. I do feel that attention to detail is an important trait in life and in transformations, but I also think that we can become too involved with our own stats. In fact, I will admit to you that while I did some informal measurements, this past Sunday was the first set of formal measurements I'd done in 4 weeks. Life was too busy and I didn't sweat it. I knew that the more important aspects of my program were hitting the weights and eating. I've been doing those, so I was confident that the results would come and they did. If you are just starting out on a program I implore you to take weekly measurements. I would tell you that you need to see your progress real time as it happens. It will keep you motivated as you go forward in this process. Watching your body fat % drop weekly is one great motivator. Seeing your body composition change is exciting. It keeps you trying harder and harder. Give it a go and you will see what I mean. |
Interestingly, I have felt like I have more energy on this modified nutritional plan than I did with my old program and yet I'm getting far less carbs than before. My energy is coming from an increase in fats (nuts, seeds, etc.) and that seems to really work well for my body. This just goes to show why you need to experiment with different things to determine what works best for you. |
![]() ![]() My son, daughter and I hit the gym together today. It was the first time my daughter has joined my son and I in a couple of weeks. They do the same exact workout as me. The intensity level for all of us was high. My son made a comment to me prior to the workout that he doesn't like looking back at his last workout to see the numbers he reached the last time. He says he feels that it gives him a target to shoot for and that he gives up once he hits that target. I thought about his comments and then proclaimed that none of us would be looking back at our previous workouts and we would see what the results would be. During my own workout I saw my son's concept in action. On my calf raises I was able to get 2 extra repetitions. The same thing happened on my shrugs and my rows. I think Matthew is on to something here and it is how we will workout from now on. There is obviously a psychological element at play here that I never considered. Way to go Matty! |
![]() Believe while others… Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Decide while others are delaying. Prepare while others are daydreaming. Begin while others are procrastinating. Work while others are wishing. Save while others are wasting. Listen while others are talking. Smile while others are frowning. Commend while others are criticizing. Persist while others are quitting.
![]() Are you doing what today's burning thought of the day describes? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D82 (D382) When is the time right?
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![]() "I'm not ready yet." "I don't have the time." "I will be starting next week." These are all excuses that I've heard for not working out. Each time I hear these things I wonder when the time will be right for these people. The reality is that it will probably never be the right time for any of them. The key for everyone is to just get up and do it. When the original Group Shred began I was in an interesting spot in my life. I had been doing the New Rules of Lifting program for several months. The Group Shred was exactly what I needed to push me into a full fledged effort to change my body. I didn't think about it at all, I just jumped in and got to work. While I don't believe in telling people to do exactly what I've done for the most part, I will say that just jumping in seems to be the best way to get started. If you try to set a date for starting a new program it will never happen. You have to just do it. Don't think about it. Don't plan the date for it to start. Just get up, go to the gym and get moving. Once moving, keep moving. That's the only way to get the job done. |
![]() Today was interval cardio. I got on the elliptical trainer and brought my heart rate to 145 BPM and kept it there for two minutes. I then let my body recover to 105 BPM. I repeated this process for 30 minutes. This method of doing intervals is supposed to raise my fat burning target heart rate. We shall see what happens when I go back for more testing. |
![]() "A life lived with integrity – even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shinning star in whose light others may follow in the years to come." Denis Waitley
![]() How have you become a shining star via your transformation process? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D81 (D381) Encouragement
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![]() As I've gone through the past year, some of the most encouraging things I've read had to do with the progress of other bloggers. I realize that we all are after the same thing–a better physique–and getting there involves making some serious progress. Seeing others progress is always a motivating factor for me. As a result, I thought I would share what I've done with the H.I.T. plan the past 8 weeks:
I've seen positive changes in every single area. So far I've already exceeded the goals I had for this mission. This is what a High Intensity Workout can do for your body. You gain lean body mass, lose fat and increase the size of your muscles. This all results in a Larger Engine and you wind up with a body that burns more fat than it had before you started. Now I can proudly proclaim on my new site that I managed to gain 12 lbs. of LBM in just 8 weeks and it will be 100% the truth! NUTRITION CHANGES: |
![]() Today was a rest day. |
![]() "Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours." Dale Carnegie
![]() How have you thrown yourself into your fitness transformation program? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D80 (D380) Work hard
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![]() Today the hockey team learned another lesson. After the loss yesterday the coaches were extremely frustrated and didn't know where to go with the team. The General Manager suggested that perhaps they just don't understand the system they've been taught. As a result, the coaches went to a system designed to minimize scoring opportunities for the opponent. The system is simple because it makes each player's role very clear. During the game we would yell "Sterling, where's your position?" and Sterling would correct his position. This was true of every player on the ice. It made it quite simple for the players to do the right thing. Watching this unfold got me thinking about exercising with proper form. Using correct form in exercising is the same as playing your position in hockey. When done correctly you get good results. To me, using proper form is part of working hard. Anyone can go to the gym (or hit the ice) and be sloppy. That will get you nowhere fast. In order to use proper form one must pay attention to what they are doing at all times. There must be an attention to what is happening during the repetition. You must be able to correct your mistakes as you are working out. The ability to work hard will garner great results in the shortest possible time. Today the boys learned that it was hard work staying in their positions. They wanted to chase after the puck, but they knew they had a role to play. It took alot of effort to remain where they were told to be. They had to execute their assignments and not vary from them. This took alot of will power on their part. This is no different from lifting weights. It takes alot of effort to execute the lift properly. Reviewing You Tube for various exercises reveals that most people have no clue how to lift properly. It takes practice, but the end result is more than worth it. |
![]() Today I spent 60 minutes doing steady state cardio on the step mill. |
![]() When you hit the gym, always concentrate on proper form for every exercise, including your cardio. |
![]() How do you determine the proper form for your exercises? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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