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![]() When I first started lifting weights I didn't have a clue what I was doing. As is typical of my personality, I started reading everything I could get my hands on. I quickly learned that it isn't as difficult as it seems. If you lift as heavy as you are capable of, lift with the highest intensity and get into the gym on a consistent schedule, results follow. It is all about having enough desire and motivation to make things happen. My son's hockey team learned that important lesson today. You see, they are playing at a level of hockey that most of them do not belong at. This level was chosen for them by the system they are governed by. With 4 days a week on the ice, nobody thought it would be a huge problem. However, they have not won a game yet. As the scheduler, I was asked to schedule some games with lower level teams and I complied. Today was the first of those games. The kids went into the game very confident of victory. As usual, they managed to find a way to lose. This process has gotten very frustrating for my son. He does belong in the level he is at and has worked hard to get there. It bothers him that he never seems to have any support. Today he learned a lesson about desire and motivation. The team was down 5-1 with 3 minutes left in the game. Within 2 minutes they had narrowed the score to 5-4. When asked by the coach what had changed the boys (all of them) replied that they did not like losing to a team at this level and especially as badly as they were losing. Yes, they had the desire to win and the motivation to not look silly in the process. While they eventually lost 6 to 4 (empty net goal at the end sealed the deal), they learned that they have to play with desire and motivation at all times. My son learned that he can never give up. He has to hold his head up high at all times and do his best despite what surrounds him at the time. |
![]() ![]() Wow, another awesome H.I.T. workout. I will be doing measurements this Sunday, so I am excited to see what changes, if any, I have achieved. My strength is way up. Today I did my workout and when I was done, I had to wait around for 30 minutes. I had been talking with a friend during my wait. He and I were talking about strength gains. He challenged me to try a "normal paced" set of deadlifts to see what I could lift. Right now I am doing 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down on my reps and that causes the weight I can lift to be much lower. I was surprised when I was able to do 390 lbs. for 15 repetitions even after my entire workout was done! My previous 1 rep maximum was 425 lbs. and here I am 35 pounds lighter lifting for 15 repetitions. If you don't believe in High Intensity Training, you need to rethink your feelings. |
![]() Scratch, bite, fight, argue, do what it takes to make it happen. |
![]() How are you using desire and motivation to achieve your goals? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M4:D78 (D378) Shake it up
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![]() Everyone knows that in order to grow larger muscles you must take in enough calories to support that growth. However, as anyone who has tried to eat enough calories can tell you, it can be very hard to eat enough to get the calories where they need to be. For me, that's when I shake it up. A well-planned protein shake can really give you a boost in calories when done correctly. I use various recipes for these calorie boosting shakes, but they all follow the same basic principles. A standard recipe is as follows: 8 oz. of non-fat milk This powerful shake packs a walloping 1000 calories! It breaks down into a 50/30/20 ratio. It yields a great amount of energy. I generally have 2 of these a day–1 pre-workout and 1 post-workout. These shakes are what makes getting to 4000 calories in a day a cinch. Give it a shot if you are trying to get to bigger calorie numbers. Happy Birthday Matthew! |
![]() Today was a 60 minute steady state cardio session on the treadmill. I kept my heart rate between 110 and 115 BPM for the entire hour. |
![]() You have to eat big in order to get big. |
![]() What are you doing every day to achieve your fitness goals? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D77 (D377) Confusion
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![]() "Gain 20 lbs of muscle in 20 days!" "Don't do cardio and lose body fat faster than ever before!" "Lift light weights for better growth!" "Lift heavy weights for better growth!" What are you supposed to believe? It is no wonder that most people are completely confused by the information available today. It is also no wonder that most people look the same today as they did a year ago when they started down the road towards a new body. They jump from plan to plan, never seeing real results. Yes, part of the problem is that most people don't exercise with enough intensity to make a difference, but it is also because of the confusion that is caused by the so-called fitness experts. These people will do anything for a buck and when you examine their claims carefully it becomes painfully obvious. How are you to avoid the confusion? Find out what the real pros have done. No, I don't mean run out and buy Muscle & Fitness or some other body building rag. I mean find somebody who has been there and ask them how they got there. You will be surprised by the information they will give you. You will be even more surprised by the results you will get by following their suggestions. You don't need an army to back you up on this, but that wouldn't hurt. The battle has begun, so why not join the fight? |
![]() Today was an interval cardio day. I did my usual interval on a bike. I got the heart rate up to 145 BPM and held it there for 2 minutes. I then allowed my body to recover back down to 105 BPM and repeated the cycle for 30 minutes. |
![]() What one person can do well many people working together can do even better. |
![]() What's one point of confusion you've experienced with fitness programs? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D76 (D376) Turning it around
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![]() When there's a problem with something you are involved with, what do you do? Are you one of those people who buries their head in the sand and hopes it gets better on its own? Do you act like you have no idea there is a problem? Do you become an agent of change and help to turn things around? When faced with an issue in your fitness program it is best if you become an agent of change. Nobody else is going to fix it for you. It is entirely up to you. Most people don't even care what happens with your fitness plan, so take matters into your own hands and turn it around. The effort you put into this will pay off big in the long run. Avoid confusing solutions. Don't just blindly trust everything you read from the so-called experts on the internet. Consider the source. What has this person done in the past? Do they have body building competition victories under their belt? Have they built the physique they've promised you will get if you follow their system? These are just a few of the questions that need to be asked. The fitness industry is a disaster these days. You have people trying to sell their latest workout system to you at every turn. These people turn out to be hypocrites who only really care about the money. They preach a particular method for working out, saying it is the most efficient and guaranteed to bring you success. Later, when one of their friends releases a "revolutionary new system" the hypocrites jump on the affiliate bandwagon, using their large lists to sell this new system even though it completely contradicts what they themselves teach. When is it going to stop? It will stop when each and every one of us takes advantage of the money back guarantees all these guys offer. Send back their program for a refund. If enough people do this they might start to get the hint that we want real information, not recycled garbage. The fight has begun. |
![]() ![]() Yet another great workout. At the same time, I can tell that I'm heading into the final 4 weeks of this lifting cycle. I will get a week off after I complete the 12th week of this cycle. Every single lift is improving. It is one of the things I've always had trouble with in the past–progression. This style of lifting forces progression on the lifter. |
![]() "Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are." Norman Vincent Peale
![]() How do you control the way you think so as to avoid defeating yourself before you start? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M4:D75 (D375) Retired from the Shreddersphere?
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![]() I was recently asked if I had retired from the Shredderspehere. I gave my response rather quickly, but as the day went on, I had to really think about that question. Have I retired from the Shreddersphere? Being the outspoken individual that I am, I thought I'd approach the issue today. I have some honest concerns about helping out people on the Shreddersphere right now. Quite honestly, the number of people in the Shreddersphere has grown tremendously. I used to run through the entire list in about 30 minutes each day, but to do the same thing now would require about 90 minutes of my time every single day. I just do not have that time to spare. At the same time, I honestly believe it is important for us to support each other. The question becomes how can we do it? I have been very disappointed that there are just a few people who consistently comment posts on various blogs. With a group the size of the Shreddersphere we should see blogs full of comments, but that just isn't happening. Do people just not understand the power of the support they are giving? Is it not understood that for there to be accountability there must be people consistently holding us accountable? How can we be held accountable if nobody is commenting our blogs? What sort of positive pressure is there if we are not commenting each other's blogs? What can be done to fix this situation? That's the question I have today. You will see it under the question of the day. I apologize in advance if this post offends anyone. It is not my intention to offend, but to fix a problem that I see getting bigger and bigger. We (the Shreddersphere) need a better system for holding each other accountable. I have my own ideas, but for now they will remain my own. I will offer them up to the Shredder Council members privately, but for now they must remain private until we agree on a way to fix this problem that I see. Do you not see this problem as well? Am I missing something here? Am I completely wrong on my take? Where is the support? Where are the comments? Let's get things back in line! |
![]() Today was an interval cardio session for 30 minutes. |
![]() Accountability starts with yourself and ends with others. |
![]() How can we help the Shreddersphere become a place where every single member is held accountable on a daily basis? Comment this post with your answer. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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