M4:D16 (D316) Here I am!
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![]() I had some technical difficulties with my blog provider, but I am back now. I have posted all my past posts. During this time I've still been blogging and taking my pictures, I just haven't been able to publish them. The discipline, for me, must continue or I know I will fall back. I am excited for Monday to come so that I can start my new workout regimen from Carlos DeJesus. Please enjoy catching up on all previous posts. |
![]() I did an abdominal workout today and a 30 minute interval cardio. Monday is almost here! |
![]() I rely more upon my blog provider than I ever realized! Blogging has become part of my life, so much so that I felt lost not publishing the past few days! |
![]() How has blogging changed your life? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M4:D15 (D315) Problems
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M4:D14 (D314) Upheaval
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![]() [Post delayed due to technical difficulties.] Today was a day that got me thinking about upheaval and how to handle it. An upheaval is a strong or violent change. In life it can take many forms. How we handle upheaval determines many things about the course of our life. I work in a field where there are emergencies all the time. Critical pieces of infrastructure fail at the most inopportune moments. I have always been known as the person who remains calm and does not lose his cool when these things happen. I handle the crisis calmly because I know my calm demeanor rubs off on the people around me, including my end users. I handle most of the upheaval in my life the same way. I am a thinker and I like to think about what is happening to me before I make a move. Thus, when I am hit with a strong or violent change in my life, I step back and consider all the angles before proceeding. This enables me to make a better decision that will ultimately bring about the best results for me and those I care about. I do not generally go off in a direction that I have not carefully considered first. I leave spontaneity to smaller things in life and for the bigger things I plan my way through them. I handle my fitness regimen the same way. If I am faced with an injury I figure out how to work the rest of my body while the injury heals. I don't let that get in the way of my progress in other areas. I carefully plan my attack and then execute it. There is no reason to let changes get in your way. Think them through and you will come up with a way to make the change work for you. |
![]() Today I did a cardio session with intervals. I raised my heart rate up to 145 bpm, held it there for 2 minutes and then allowed my hear rate to recover down to 105 bpm. I did this continuously for 30 minutes. |
![]() Upheaval does not have to mean failure or derailment–it is all about how you handle it. |
![]() How do you adapt to change in your life? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M4:D13 (D313) Listening
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![]() [This post was delayed due to technical difficulties.] Between yesterday and today I have been reading the information provided to me by Carlos DeJesus. It has led me to make a decision about my training for this week. Due to the indicators of overtraining, I am going to take this entire week off from lifting. I will continue to do cardio and abdominal work, but I am not going to start lifting again until next Monday. This is due to the fact that I am feeling my body needs rest, so I am listening to my body. I want to take this time to impress upon you the importance of taking a rest every so often during your program. I recommend 1 full week off every 12 weeks of training. Your body only grows when you are resting. By taking a rest from training you give your body a chance to repair and grow. It is essential for you to take this time off. Failure to do so will result in overtraining and less than desireable results. |
![]() Today was abdominal training. I had a good ab workout using the Ab Mat. |
![]() Rest to let your body grow and you will get better results in the long run. |
![]() How often do you insert a rest period into your workout schedule? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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