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![]() Today I traveled to Boston. It has been a long day and I am tired. It is close to midnight as I write this now. I have taken my pictures and I will be going to bed because I have a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow. I did miss one meal today due to some chicken going bad that I brought with me on the plane. Otherwise, I did fine. I have learned how important planning is when you are traveling though. My flight from California to Boston was 5 1/2 hours long. Obviously there is going to be a need for a meal before, during and after that flight, so I planned accordingly. It showed me that planning is even more powerful than we give it credit for. I would not have made it through had I not planned properly. |
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![]() I had a very good lifting session today. I moved my normal Wednesday workout into today's slot so that I could get in the proper amount of lifting despite the travel schedule. This will allow me to take 2 days rest on Wednesday and Thursday and get back to lifting on Friday. I paid close attention today to how my muscles feel as they go through the full range of motion. I worked hard on feeling the stretch or contraction. It helps to have this connection when it comes time to up the intensity level a little. |
![]() If failing to plan is planning to fail then successful planning is planning to succeed. |
![]() What's your strategy when traveling? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M3:D77 Finding Time
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M3:D76 Selfishness
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![]() I got into an interesting discussion today about selfishness. I was sort of surprised by the take of the other person on the topic. We were talking in hypotheticals, so please don't jump to conclusions here. The examples in this post are purely fiction and used for illustration only. We discussed the interaction of two people. Person A knows that Person B is having a hard time, so Person A buys Person B a small gift (like a teddy bear). Person B accepts the gift and says thank you. Person B then goes on to complain that Person A had never done something like that before and asks why not. This leads to a discussion between Person A and Person B wherein Person B basically says that Person A is selfish. Person A then lists a bunch of things s/he has done for Person B. Person B responds by saying that is proof of how selfish Person A is because all s/he can think about is what s/he has done for Person B and not the other way around. My take on this is that Person B is being extremely rude and selfish. My friend believes that Person B is justified in their position because Person A shouldn't have brought up past things they'd done for Person B. I believe that all Person A was doing was defending themself. Person B was selfish because they couldn't just accept the gift in the spirit it was given. All this lead me to think about our little Shredder community. We are a very selfless lot of people. Where else can you find people supporting each other and yet not really knowing each other? Selfish people don't do that. |
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![]() I am traveling this week on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday, so I moved Monday's lifting to Sunday, Wednesday's lifting to Tuesday and left Friday alone. I also moved around my cardio (see the chart above). I had a great workout. I'm in a 5×5 stage and that means heavy weights. I love heavy weights. I am already feeling the Stiff Legged Deadlifts I did today. I am going to have serious DOMS tomorrow. |
![]() Selfishness is rampant in the world, so do your part to defeat it by completing some random acts of kindness. |
![]() What do you find the most satisfying about accountability blogging? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D75 Make my day
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![]() Anyone reading this blog long enough knows my feelings on pushing yourself to new heights each time you get into the gym. I've been fighting a battle with someone I train. He just doesn't understand the concept behind pushing yourself further than the previous trip to the gym. I sat him down after the last incident and explained the concept. I let him know that it is a choice he has to make, but with the goals he has, the choice needs to be to push himself or the goals won't be drawn to him. Today we hit the gym in the morning together. He was back in rare form, hitting all his lifts and pushing himself hard. He set a personal best on his bench press and tied a personal best on his squats. He managed some pretty good deadlifts as well. When he walked out of the gym he had a huge smile on his face and I felt very satisfied. I was involved in a discussion on the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Yahoo group this week. I answered a question regarding doing cardio first or weight training first. I said that cardio should never be done before weight training due to the drain on the glycogen needed for weight training when you do cardio first. One person had a very good argument for doing it either way, but it was based on the premise that not everyone works out to their maximum effort. My response was that it shouldn't matter. They should do it the correct way. The correct way is to workout to your maximum limit and therefore, they should do cardio after weight training. I would appreciate it if you guys out there could start commenting this blog when you hit a personal best. By doing this you will make my day. I will know that you are pushing yourself as hard as you should. Just like my trainee, you will be making my day each and every time I read a comment about your personal bests. You guys all have it in you to do this. You can all push yourself to your maximum limits. When you do I guarantee you will leave the gym with a huge smile on your face. There is no doubt in my mind about this at all. You will make your own day and then when you post on my blog about your accomplishments you will make my day. |
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![]() Today I spent some time learning the exercises in the Pose Running Technique. I then ran for 1 mile trying to put what I learned into practice. It was a good run. I am running a bit slower right now as I learn this new technique. It is very different indeed. |
![]() Stop wasting your time in the gym and push yourself as hard as you can. You won't be sorry. |
![]() How do you track your personal bests? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D74 Hell yes!
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![]() This guy walks up to me at 4:15 a.m. while I'm in the middle of a grueling Quad Blaster set. “Did you used to lift over at the Knott Avenue gym?” he inquires “Yeah, that was about a year ago though. I stopped going there because they never opened on time.” I replied “I thought it was you, but I honestly didn't recognize you.” he replied “I am the same person today as I was then, why wouldn't you recognize me?” I asked curiously “Dude, you've lost a ton of weight and you've gained alot of muscle since I last saw you.” he replied with enthusiasm “Really? You think I've lost alot of weight and gained mass?” I asked “Hell yes!” he replied At that point you struggle with what to say next. This is a message for every single shredder out there who is doubting themselves as they start a program. You don't get results overnight. Sometimes you don't even really recognize your own results. That's what the daily pictures are for. If you are not taking daily photos you are cheating yourself. Get to it today and don't miss a day ever. People notice you. They see what you are up to and they recognize the change that is taking place with your body. You might not see it, but other people do and that's one reason to stick with it. Is it possible to change and not notice it yourself? Hell yes! Should you be sticking with it regardless of your feelings about the changes in your body? Hell yes! Would it be tragic if you just gave up like alot of people? Hell yes! Keep repeating that over and over in your head–Hell yes! I get that we all have expectations for our own progress. I get that we might not even come close to living up to those expectations at first, but I also get that consistent application of the healthy way of life is going to make an eventual difference. Consistency and strong effort are the only ingredients that make up the successful transformation you are after. Look, I will be the first to tell you that I'm not truly satisfied with my progress after 274 days. I would have expected better results. At the same time, I realize that I have had to experiment to find what works for me. It has been a work in progress for the past 40 weeks of my life. So, if I measure success just on how I look in my pictures, I would have to say that I am not entirely pleased. However, I have learned from my mentor that success is measured in alot of other ways. You see I have had many things happen in the past 40 weeks that could have derailed me completely. My life hasn't been simple. I have had my ups and downs. There have been some emotional times. Through all of these I posted my blog daily and included my daily photo. I shared some of what was going on with me and at times, when it was too emotional for me to share, I kept it to myself. However, the journey I am on has been a successful one so far because my results don't just show in my physical appearance. My mental toughness has developed throughout the past 40 weeks. It is something I can carry with me as I go forward into other missions. I've learned what I am truly capable of. These are the things you need to learn to cherish. You need to learn to give yourself credit for these things that happen in your life that you fight through. You have to remember that when faced with difficulties you have a choice in how you handle them. It goes back to asking the right questions and giving the right answers. Shredders, can you make a transformation if you stick to it consistently? Hell yes! |
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![]() Today was another awesome workout. I got in my deadlifts and my Quad Blaster workout. I'm really feeling this workout routine I've been using. At the same time, the ART I've been doing with the doctor has been giving me some unexpected movement benefits. I am able to move with better alignment and on some exercises (deadlift being one) I can lift heavier weights due to the efficient movement of the muscles in my body. I've also experienced less cramping in my legs, something that has been a problem for me for a long time. The doctor also has me using a foam roller and that's an amazing thing as well. I highly recommend it. |
![]() When you are faced with tough times in your life you have a choice to have it affect your workouts and nutrition or not. Making the right choice isn't always easy, but once you develop the discipline it becomes easier and easier. |
![]() What choices have you been forced to make recently that can affect your workouts and nutrition in a negative way? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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