M3:D62 Food roadblock
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M3:D61 The Journey
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![]() Lately I have been just laying it out there regarding my feelings. I have not really planned to go where I've gone, it has just happened. It is part of the journey that I am on in life. I've had some experiences recently which have caused me to be reflective. Instead of wallowing, I've focused myu efforts on telling you all the things I am learning and how they apply to this fitness journey each of us is on. The journey is an important part of the process. The journey will define your future actions. Where you turn and what you take with you is going to be effected by the decisions you make today. I read all the time on blogs about someone making a mistake with their nutrition and without a doubt each person shows alot of regret. The journey should teach you that regret is not a place you want to live for any length of time. It doesn't further your journey at all. That is a key point to remember. Do the things that further your journey and avoid the things that bog down your journey. Friction is inevitable and can cause you to slow down, but it shouldn't derail you. I mentioned relationships yesterday and gave the example of having someone ask you for space and time away. Most people react with negative emotions about something like that, but I see it differently. I think that each situation is different and unique. You can't resist those types of things. What happens if you resist the request for time and space? Well, I guarantee the person walks away from you? What happens if you give them their time and space? Potentially they deal with their issues and return to you. It is a simple case of one way the best you get is a break up while the other the worst you get is a break up. Always make decisions on your journey that put you in the best possible position. Don't limit your chances. |
Carbs! Yes, lots of carbs today. I love the weekends for that reason! |
![]() I did a 2.1 mile run in the morning and another 1.0 mile run in the late afternoon. I have the running bug. I can't stop myself from running. I guess it just fits with my mood lately. I am very reflective so running is therapeutic. I enjoy getting out and running away my troubles. Life is interesting these days, that is for sure. |
![]() The journey is what you make it, so do your best to make it good. |
![]() Which part of the journey do you feel you still need to master? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D60 Patience
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![]() Many things in life require patience and you have to be willing to use patience where needed. Love relationships require alot of patience. What do you do if someone you love requests time and space to think about their issues? Do you pressure them and risk making things worse or do you just give them the time and space they've requested? If you are patient you give them the time and space they requested. It is like the Chinese proverb says “If you love a thing, set it free. If it returns to you, it is your's and if it does not, it never was your's.” Patience. Fitness endeavors require alot of patience. Everyone wants a quick fix to their situation, but only patience will get you there. It took time to gain the weight so it will take time to lose it. Patience is about sticking to your plan and making it work. It is about measuring progress and making small tweaks to put you on the right path. Patience requires that you practice self-discipline. Do you think it is easy to give someone you love time and space? What if they don't want you in contact with them while they take that time and space? Suddenly you go from having that person as a large part of your life to them being a void in your life all in a split second. Patience requires you to be disciplined about not contacting them because doing so would violate what they asked you for. It isn't easy but it is necessary. So what's holding you back? |
![]() Today was a big lifting day. This is the day I look forward to. Deadlifts are involved and it is great fun. Today I pushed hard and hit 300 pounds for 10 reps for 4 sets. That's about 50 pounds more than what I did on my video (an admittedly light day). I am feeling the changes in my body and can't wait until Sunday to take my stats. I also managed to get in a 15 minute run today and hit 1.73 miles. My Nike+ is working very well in its holder. |
![]() Patience is a virtue and it is something you need to practice on a regular basis. |
![]() How patient are you? Comment this blog post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D59 Forgetting
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![]() For the past few days I've been leading you down a path. This has not been done conciously. I mean, I am aware of the path we are going down with the past few posts, but not a single one was planned to bring us where we are going. It is just something that has happened. It is my belief that in order to draw your goals to you it will be necessary for you to forget some of what you've learned. I think that too many of us read everything and then get confused over what goes with what. This leads to disasterous results. We need to organize our thoughts and forget some of what we've learned in order to properly utilize the important knowledge we've picked up over time. Forgetting is not an easy thing to do. I believe that for some reason the human brain is optimized to hang on to things. How many times have you had an argument with someone only to have them bring up something from the past that they had “forgiven and forgotten”? Obviously they may have forgiven you (hence they didn't argue their point any longer) but they clearly had not forgotten. Forgetting just isn't that easy. However, I'm here to tell you that forgetting is something you have to do to move ahead with your fitness plan. Forget the awful habits you once had. Forget the idea that food is comforting because you can't allow that to be the case any longer. Forget that you hate working out because you need to workout. Forget all the habits that brought you to your low point in the first place. If you get organized and forget the bad things you will be moving forward towards a new found success. Good luck and don't forget to forget. |
![]() Today I took the Nike+ for a 20 minute run. My holder came and I was excited to give it a try. I managed to get in 2.13 miles and I know the Nike+ was accurate this time. The holder made all the difference in the world. I'm really enjoying all this running. It makes me energized. Today I took it nice and easy, setting a 9 minute mile pace. I focused on an even stride and pacing myself. My breathing was rhythmic and steady. The run was not overly taxing and I managed to maintain a steady pace throughout. Running every day has become my cardio of choice. |
![]() When you challenge yourself the results you get increase dramatically. |
![]() What are some things you need to forget as you go forward with your fitness program? Comment this post in order to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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