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![]() Today was a cardio and stretching day. After reading Chad Waterbury's Muscle Revolution I have changed up my approach to cardio during a bulk. I have calculated my desired heart rate range and I am now doing steady state cardio for no more than 20 minutes and I am being sure that I am within that desired heart rate range. It was odd, but it felt good. Tom Venuto wrote a blog article about no pain, no gain. It got me thinking (as usual). You always hear people say “no pain, no gain” but do they really understand what they are saying? To me that phrase means train with intensity. You are going to experience muscle soreness from an intense workout. That muscle soreness just confirms that you are on the right path towards the accomplishment of your goals. My goal is to compete in a bodybuilding competition one day in the near future. This means I have to push my muscles to force them to grow. That type of intensity brings with it soreness. In fact, I don't think a day goes by that I am without muscle soreness until I hit my rest periods. Remember that this type of pain is a sacrifice that we make. We do it for our end goals. As long as the pain you are feeling is not the type that accompanies an injury you are doing the right thing. On a side note, I am going to be travelling this weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) but I will post as usual. |
![]() I got on the treadmill and worked my way towards a target heart rate range of 129 to 152 beats per minute. I slowly upped the speed and incline until I was maintaining this level. I went for 20 minutes. When I was done I did my abdominal training and my stretching. |
![]() There is no need to avoid pain as it can be your friend. |
![]() What do you think when you get a nice case of DOMs…what crosses your mind when you realize you have been hit? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M3:D23 Is this what it feels like to die?
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![]() Today's pose is a tribute to my good friend, Mike Groom (Mike: Aussie Body Builder). He recently posed this way and I got a kick out of it, so I decided to try something different. Unfortunately, I missed most of my legs. Today was a hectic day. I am in the middle of integrating a newly purchased company from Seattle into our system. I discovered that they are using SQL Server 2005 and not SQL Server 2000 as they had said. Consequently, I have my Network Administrator setting up a SQL Server 2005 box today so that I can get at their data and make some decisions. I've been doing more reading about nutrition. It is a subject that honestly fascinates me. The science behind it is amazing when you understand it. I really enjoy learning about the things that have changed scientific opinion from the past until now. For instance, low fat was the rage for a long time and now it is not so popular. It is quite common for bodybuilders to get 30% of their calories from dietary fat. Afterall, fat is an energy source. The Chad Waterbury book, Muscle Revolution, has some interesting information on nutriton as well. Based on my own research, I believe some of what he has to say on that topic, but not everything. He is a very sharp guy and has some tested opinions though, so I am keeping my mind open that I could be totally wrong on the things I disagree with him on. Right now I'm reading a book about the Anabolic Diet and I am intrigued by what the author has to say. He has worked with the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) and the WPF (World Powerlifting Federation) to help their athletes avoid steroids. He uses his nutritional approach to help them maximize their body's ability to spur on growth. His approach is extremely interesting. As I have just started the book and have only gotten through an overview of the system, I will reserve judgment, but so far it looks interesting. It can be adapted to a cut, a bulk or to maintain. On another note, Carlos Dejesus (inventor of the Quad Blaster) has offered to help me incorporate the Blaster into my workouts. He is such a nice man! |
![]() Today was my second No Nonsense Muscle Building workout from Vince DelMonte. This is another one where I am supersetting exercises with 30 seconds rest in between exercises and lifting a weight that I can handle for 3 sets of 15 reps. I am going to tell you that around the second superset I started to wonder if this was how it felt when you died. My heart was pounding and ready to burst from my chest. My muscles were on fire. At one point I was doing hammer curls in front of a mirror and I could see the sweat just start pouring from my face area. My biceps were on fire as I completed the final 4 reps of the set. This workout really pushes the intensity. I literally feel sick for about an hour afterwards. This is due to the homeostasis (def. relatively constant conditions within an organism) being disrupted in my body. I actually started drinking Champion Amino Shots during my workout and that has helped alleviate some of the sick feeling at the end because I am delivering essential amino acids to my muscles during the workout. It is intense to say the least. If you are looking for a workout with intensity, this is the plan! ![]() |
![]() When looking for the silver bullet you have to realize that none exists. We all burn fat differently and we have to be willing to experiment to find what works well for our individual situation. |
![]() What have you done to determine the best nutritional approach for your body? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D22 Intrigue about Calories
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![]() Today was my cardio only day. I tend to really enjoy these days because I get to do alot of thinking. Today was no different. My mind wandered to Phase 3 of this mission and how I have yet to pick the nutritional plan for my next cut. I know that I cannot go super restrictive with carbs again because that would be too soon after my last low carb phase. I have learned that it is not good to go extremely low carb for a long period of time. In addition, you should really only do it two times a year seperated by at least 3 months time. Your body wants food. Ask any bodybuilder how they are able to workout so intensely and they will tell you it is because they eat. A friend asked me for advice on her workouts. She said she'd been working out hard and was always tired. She stated that it was her thought that working out was supposed to give her energy. I asked her about her diet. She eats 3 times a day and it only totals about 1200 calories. Her calculated need is 2200 calories. I advised her to bring her calories up to 1400, then 1600, then 1800, then 2000 and finally 2200. It is going to take her 5 weeks to fix the problem. This is her 3rd week and she's already seeing the benefits. Her scale weight is exactly the same, but her clothes fit more loosely and she has more energy. All of her lifts have improved tremendously as well. She's very happy with my advice so far. I'm telling you, you have to eat. You wouldn't dream of running your car without fuel, so why run your body without fuel? Look at the bright side, I'm certain it costs less to fuel your body than it does to fuel your car! |
![]() I did a 24 minute PACE cardio session today. It was a blast. I did it on the elipptical and found that I could go really fast for the faster parts. I have been seeing alot of hoopla lately about HIIT and I'm wondering why. I mean, doesn't everyone already know that interval training burns more fat? |
![]() When you want to get in shape you need to eat and exercise, but the most important of the two is eat. |
![]() What scares you about eating at your maintenance level? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D21 Failure
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![]() Today was my first real bulking workout using No Nonsense Muscle Building by Vince DelMonte. All I can say in the commentary section is that 3 sets of 15 reps supersetted and only 30 seconds of rest between each set is a completely insane and killer workout. Add to that the Quad Blaster at the end and you have an awesome workout for sure. I enjoyed my food today. I ate alot of chicken and with the increase in carbs my energy levels are extremely high. I am now really seeing the benefits of increasing my calories over the past several weeks. It has done wonders for my overall look. I am now on a mission to teach others the wisdomm of eating more. As you know, I've been reading Muscle Revolution by Chad Waterbury. He puts it so well: “It might seem paradoxical, but fat loss is best achieved by consuming the largest amount of calories possible in order to keep your metabolism high and your workouts productive. Many people simply don't eat enough calories when they're trying to lose fat. I'll sometimes discover, when calculating the recommended daily calories for a client who's overly fat, that he's already eating fewer calories than he should. When I have him start eating more, believe it or not, he'll lose fat. His nutrition habits had stalled his metabolism, and the first step to getting it moving again was giving him enough calories to rev it up and allow him to have productive workouts.” (Muscle Revolution, p. 126) The point is clear. You need to eat. Too many people miss this point. When you are told that “maintenance calories” for you is 2000, that means that you need 2000 calories just to maintain your existing weight. When you are told to cut the calories, the majority of people immediately think of cutting back on the food intake. That is not the only way to create a caloric deficit. What's wrong with creating a caloric deficit with exercise? I personally believe that too many people cut their calories by restricting their food intake and then add in a ton of cardio and weight training and that puts their body dangerously close to the starvation mode we all know about. So I read on Adam Waters' (Adam: RTP Blog 2) where he says that all the covering up that is going on is not necessarily a good thing. Adam recommends a 30 day coverup becuase he says that the coverup itself becomes a crutch. While I can see the wisdom of this advice, I can also say that if a person is sticking to their nutrition and workout plans, I see nothing wrong with staying covered up for extended periods of time. I personally do not plan to uncover completely until the end of Phase 2 (August 1, 2008). I will probably show off different part sof my body as I go along, but I won't be completely uncovering until Phase 2 is over. |
![]() Today was the first day of my mass builiding program. I concentrated on strict form and sticking to the rest periods. This phase of the workout series is a 3 x 15 with all supersets. You get 30 seconds of rest in between exercises. When you squat 225 pounds 15 times, rest 30 seconds and then do Romanian Deadlifts for 135 pounds 15 times and repeat that for 3 sets, you feel like you've run for miles. My heart rate was way up. I was breathing heavy. Throughout the workout I focused on the form and lifting speed. I aimed to be perfect on every single rep. It made for some really tough sets at much lighter weights than I'm used to pushing. I haven't done 15 rep sets in a long time, so this was an interesting change for my body. I ended the workout with my new Quad Blaster. This is where the title of today's post comes in. I managed to use a 15 pound dumbbell and I did 12 reps on the first set. I got the most incredible burn in my quads. My second set I managed 10 reps and continued to feel an even more intense burn in my quads. My third and final set I managed 8 reps, but this brought me to complete and total failure. I completely collapsed at the end of those 8 reps. I could not have done a 9th rep if my life depended on it. Never before have I trained my quads to failure at like this. It was simply amazing. |
![]() Building mass or burning fat, eating enough food is a key factor to your success. Yes, I said eating enough food, even for burning fat. |
![]() How often have you eaten enough calories to be at your maintenance level in the past 6 months? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D21 Mobile blogging
In keeping up with the times, I have enabled mobi= le blogging. This will enable me to send in my thoughts as they happen. This should be interesting depending upon what I am doing at the time.
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