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As you know from reading my blog, I try to keep my articles as informative as possible. Today I am going to review 6 Keys to Successful Bodybuilding by Dave Draper. This is an article I've seen on many websites and I thought it was time someone gave a commentary. Six Keys to Successful Bodybuilding To make clear the simplicity of bodybuilding I've arranged a list of six basic keys to successful training. They're nothing new and read like the same stuff in any motivational book on the market today. Yet they offer valuable insight and are essential to getting started and sticking to it. 1.Set a realistic goal – short and long term. The key phrase is “be realistic”. I also strongly agree with the concept that you need to “experience victory in each and every workout.” Remember, 1 extra rep is a victory. Don't forget to count the small victories. As he says “planning to look like Rambo by the end of summer will be frustrating” so don't make crazy goals like that. 2.Plan an orderly and thorough routine to train the entire body. I disagree with working the mid-section (abdominals) first. I find that if I work my abdominals first the rest of my workout sucks. I always do my abdominal workout after everything else is done. I also think you should not just stick to body part splits. Sometimes you get better gains with full body workouts. Other times you get better gains with upper/lower body splits. This is where keeping a training journal (ala the Muscle Nerd) becomes important. You have to track your workouts and the results they bring so that you will know what works for your individual body. 3.Make a commitment to stick to your routine for 4-5 weeks – to begin to see changes and benefits, develop perseverance and create a habit. This is a must. This goes back to when I spoke about bouncers. He puts it very clearly. Sticking to your plan will show that you can “crank over the engine and keep it running.” Your ability to stick to a routine for this amount of time will show that your word is honorable. You need consistency, persistence and determination to move ahead and sticking to a plan for a period of time develops those traits. 4.Enthusiasm for training must be recognized as the main and driving force to perform successfully. When I'm on the way to the gym for a workout I psyche myself up. I tell myself all the way there that it is going to be the best workout I've ever done. I tell myself how much fun I'm going to have. I get up for the event. No matter what attitude I leave home with, I enter the gym with enthusiasm. 5.Ease into a training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan – proper food, order and amount of consumption. Nutrition–80% (or more) of your results will come from proper nutrition. I've tried alot of things. I now know what to do when cutting. My next experiment is in bulking. We will see what happens, but I agree with his concept here. 6.Be confident from the beginning that the application of these sound principles will produce the desired results. I agree. I use a timer to track my rest periods. I literally click a stop watch and if I'm supposed to rest for 60 seconds, I wait until 60 seconds EXACTLY passes and then begin the next set. The pace of the workout helps to up the intensity. It keeps you from lounging your way through a workout when you are sticking to a set time period for rest. Remember, there's a reason you are only supposed to rest X seconds. Become totally involved with each workout, each set and each rep. Focus on the performance of the exercise, the muscles involved and the feelings that result. Look for your particular groove and sense the burn. Training form is your priority and practice makes perfect. Learn to lift weights smoothly, sacrificing the poundage used to gain quality in your performance. Don't be anxious to overload your body and struggle to lift more than you can handle. This will create poor style and result in disappointment. These register as failures and drain your resources. Form. I preach it all the time. Get the form down and everything else will fall in place for you. Don't hurry to lift heavier weights. To me, someone who lifts 40 pounds with perfect form is doing much better and will get better results than the person who lifts 70 pounds with sloppy form. Once the basic foundation has settled, good work habits have developed and your groove has been established, you're on your way and ready to grow. This part is so true. You have to establish a habit of working out. I think once you have that habit down, the gains will come as long as you keep your nutrition in check. |
![]() Today was my body weight circuit. I've learned to love the pull ups that are done on this day along with the body weight rows that you do on the Smith Machine. Both are awesome exercises for the back. I feel so much fatigue in those muscles when I'm done. I'm starting to believe that there aren't any better exercises for the back overall than those two exercises. |
![]() When you get your enthusiasm up before entering the gym you launch your workout into a new realm. The possibilities become endless and the hard work will just flow. |
![]() What do you do to maintain your enthusiasm for your plan? Comment this post with your answer. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M3:D14 Going to failure and bulking tips
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![]() Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. I hope everyone who celebrated it had a great day! I had an incredibly intense leg workout today. It was a true brute! I spent part of the day watching NCIS which had a marathon session going. That's an enjoyable show and I felt like just relaxing. I also did alot of research on bulking nutrition and will probably change up my planned approach as a result. I got some great advice regarding this approach. It seems that the best idea during a bulk is to start out with a lower ratio of protein. I am supposedly going to aim for 50/20/30 (carbs/protein/fat) at first. I will aim for the lowest calories I can get away with and still see results. The initial number for me will be 2800 calories. This gives me room to make adjustments as needed. The advice I got at this point is: “At the end of the week (and each week) check your body composition again – always at the same time of day with the same method and tools. –If at first you are just gaining fat, then revamp your training it is obviously not sufficient to create muscle gains, also look at adjusting your caloric intake down 250. The explanation I have gotten about protein during a bulk is that your body will actually waste excess protein. Since you won't know your exact needs at first, you start out with a lower number. As far as calories, you want to avoid gaining fat. While some fat gain is inevitable, the way to keep that number down to a minimum is to keep the calories at the lowest level where you can still make gains. This is why the adjustments mentioned above are so important. They consider every possible scenario and give a path to take for each scenario. One word of advice to those of you who have been cutting (on a caloric deficit) for a long time–up your calories slowly until you hit your maintenance level and then hold steady there for 2 weeks. At the end of 2 weeks, go ahead and drop your calories back down to a deficit. At the same time, don't forget that there are two ways to get a caloric deficit: (1) dropping your caloric intake; or (2) increasing your activity level. Be sure to consider these things so that you don't find yourself at too severe a deficit. The idea of bringing yourself back up to maintenance is to fix your metabolism. You need to stoke the fires every so often. Remember, the initial weight gain during an increase in calories is likely to be water and that still counts towards LBM, so no worries. Just go ahead and up the calories slowly. I think what you will find is that you really don't gain much, if any, weight on the scale. |
![]() Today was an intense leg workout. I decided that I was going to completely obliterate my legs in this workout. After the initial set of seated calve raises where I went to complete failure (ie. I could not move the weight again and had to pull back on the bar to set the safety) I was barely able to stand up. That just set the tone for this workout. I hit my calves with 3 different exercises and by the time I was done, I could already feel the burn and a case of DOMs coming on. I continued in this fashion throughout the workout, pushing and pushing to the point of no return. Then I came face to face with the power rack and my favorite deadlifts. I did warm up sets of 10 x 135 lbs., 10 x 185 lbs., 10 x 225 lbs and 5 x 325 lbs and then I was ready for the work. I set a personal best and totally fried my traps and hammies when I pulled 8 x 425 lbs. I generally use hooks when hitting weight this heavy, but today I went with just my lifting straps. Next up was another set of 8 x 435 lbs. After I got home I decided to check on a one rep max calculator to see what my potential is with this type of lift. What I got is simply amazing and not something I am ready to attempt just yet. According to the calculator at http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/OneRepMax.html I should be able to lift 540 lbs. one time if I can do 435 lbs. x 8. I guess my deadlift goal is realistic! I get so pumped when I hit the gym, but I also know that I need to work as hard as possible during the bulk I'm about to start. After seeing Mike Groom's transformation (Mike: Aussie Body Builder) while cutting, I know I need to kick my ass alot harder in the gym. I have a philosophy that I've shared before: Go as far as you think you can go, then go even further! Well I'm redefining that philosophy. From now on my philosophy is: You can never work hard enough because you can always go harder than you just did. This is evident with the deadlifts. I honestly felt like relaxing and doing 425 for the second set. Afterall, 425 was a personal best for me. However, I knew I could work harder, so I added 5 pounds on each side and pulled 435 pounds. You can always go harder than you just did. Like Adam Waters (Adam: RTP Blog 2.0) says of Tom Venuto (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle), you have to have a take no prisoners attitude in the gym. |
![]() Always be willing to push yourself harder. The results you get will be worth the pain you suffer through. |
![]() Do you believe you push yourself as hard as you possibly can in the gym or do you have room to push yourself even more? Comment this blog post to answer this question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D13 You’ve got to eat!
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![]() First, I hope you enjoy the new look of my blog posts. I've been thinking this through for some time now and have decided that this is the way to go. Comment this post and let me know what you think of the new look on the post itself. Today was a cardio only day and I enjoyed my time. I originally started out with the idea that I would be doing a PACE session on the treadmill, but I quickly changed plans when my left thigh was feeling crampy. Instead of doing the PACE session, I decided to go for a longer period and do steady state for 45 minutes. More in the workout log area. This week is going to be intense on the nutrition front as I have to increase my calories in preparation for my clean bulk. I've been frequenting various forums and asking questions so that I can really narrow down my bulking plan. I believe that alot of my fat burning issues will be solved by adding muscle to my frame. Muscle assists with burning fat, so carrying more muscle is definitely desireable when you are trying to burn off excess fat. I've been reading alot about social networking lately. It seems that this is something we must all just get used to. It is the way of the future for sure. I've also been taking some online marketing classes that have gotten me pumped up. Tomorrow is my lower body workout and I'm pumped. I'm planning to really push the limits of what I've been doing. I plan to hit it extra hard tomorrow and begin getting my body ready for the torture it is going to face during my bulking cycle. Watch this blog tomorrow for a discussion of that workout session. |
![]() As stated above, I was originally planning a PACE cardio session on the treadmill but switched to steady state due to a muscle cramp. What I did was put the incline up to 6.0 and then slowly increased the speed of the treadmill to get my heart rate up above 80%. I then maintained that level for 45 minutes. I enjoyed the “walk” as I listened to Pro Bodybuilding Weekly on my MP3 player. It was an enjoyable cardio session for me! |
![]() Knowledge is key when you hit the gym because it enables you to change things up on the fly when necessary. Knowing several different ways to hit your calves will help you if the calf machine you need is crowded. Just go on to another good calf exercise! |
![]() How do you pass time during steady state cardio sessions? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D12 The Stats are In
The stats are in. I have been upping my calories and I did, in fact, gain some scale weight and some fat, but I also increased LBM, so I'm pretty happy with the results. I am getting my body prepared for a clean bulk and this is encouraging.
M3 Stats | ||||
Date | Weight | BF% | LBM | Fat Lbs |
25-May-08 | 209 | 14.20% | 179.322 | 29.678 |
1-Jun-08 | ||||
8-Jun-08 | ||||
15-Jun-08 | ||||
22-Jun-08 | ||||
29-Jun-08 | ||||
6-Jul-08 | ||||
13-Jul-08 | ||||
20-Jul-08 | ||||
27-Jul-08 | ||||
3-Aug-08 | ||||
10-Aug-08 | ||||
17-Aug-08 | ||||
24-Aug-08 | ||||
M3 Total | 2 | 0.40% | 0.88 | 1.12 |
If, during my clean bulk, I can maintain these types of numbers (and honestly, I would want more LBM gains, but about the same BF% gains), I would see my LBM go up 7 pounds and my body fat percentage increase 3.2% (back to 17.4%). That would mean I'd start my next cut at 17.4% body fat, but with 186 pounds of muscle. I am looking forward to the bulk!
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M3:D12 Stability

Burning Commentary:
Today was a body weight training day. The idea behind my current 4 week workout system is to work the stabilizers so that when I start to go extra heavy in an effort to gain mass I will have a good stabilizer system in place. Being the thinker that I am, I started to think about the approach mentioned above and it led me to some interesting thoughts about transformation.
You have to be motivated, that part is obvious. Focus is also essential. However, stability is yet another factor that goes into it all. As I mentioned in M311 Going for it there are people who bounce from one idea to another in an effort to chase success after their transformation. Stability approaches this very issue.
You need to remain stable in your approach. Things don't change overnight. It took a long time to get out of shape and it will likely take a long time to get back into shape. Yes, we all hear of these fabulous transformations that happen very quickly, but I think there are several stories here that are not told.
How long before embarking on the “miraculous” 12 week transformation had these people been trying to achieve that level of physique transformation? For example, if I were to suddenly declare that I've entered a 12 week physique transformation contest and just nail everything and come out with a completely shredded physique 12 weeks from now and won the contest, what would my before and after picture be telling people? I think it would tell them that all they need to do is focus for 12 weeks and they could get to where I am. However, the reality is that I've spent almost a year learning what works and doesn't work for me. I've learned by making mistakes. I've learned by having small successes. I think I could accomplish a major change in 12 weeks time (and I plan to), but is it realistic to present it as a 12 week only physique transformation? I don't think so. This is one of the things I admire about Adam (Adam: RTP Blog 2), he admits that he has tried at this before and failed. He doesn't make it sound like he just worked hard for 12 weeks and had an instant transformation.
The bottomline in my commentary above is that you need stability before you embark on such a transformation. My good friend, Mike Groom (Mike: Aussie Body Builder) has admitted that he feels he spent too much time jumping around and not enough time sticking to his plan. He learned from those mistakes and has been making tremendous progress. He now has the stability it takes to get the job done.
Haven't you ever wondered these things when viewing these amazing transformations?
Burning Accountability Log:
Week Begins 5/18/2008 | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri | Sat | |
Cycle spot | HC | LC | LC | LC | HC | LC | LC |
M1 * | 5:30 a.m. | 3:30 a.m. | 3:30 a.m. | 3:30 a.m. | 3:30 a.m. | 3:30 a.m. | 5:30 a.m. |
M2 * | 8:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. | 8:30 a.m. |
M3 * | 11:30 a.m. | 9:30 a.m. | 9:30 a.m. | 9:30 a.m. | 9:30 a.m. | 9:30 a.m. | 11:30 a.m. |
M4 * | 2:30 p.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 2:30 p.m. |
M5 * | 5:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 5:30 p.m. |
M6 * | 7:30 p.m. | 6:30 p.m. | 6:30 p.m. | 6:30 p.m. | 6:30 p.m. | 6:30 p.m. | 7:30 p.m. |
Weights * | N/A | Lift | Lift | N/A | Lift | N/A | LIFT |
Cardio * | AM | N/A | N/A | AM | N/A | AM | AM |
Abs * | N/A | FYA | FYA | N/A | FYA | FYA | N/A |
Water * | 264 oz | 240 oz | 240 oz | 240 oz | 240 oz | 264 oz | 240 oz |
Post-workout nutrition * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Pre-sleep nutrition * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Vitamins/Supplements * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Accountability * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cals within 5% (+/-) * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Target Cals | 3400 | 3400 | 3000 | 2400 | 2700 | 3400 | 3800 |
Cals | 3255 | 3319 | 2971 | 2410 | 2610 | 3315 | 3745 |
Ratios (C/P/F) | 30/50/20 | 30/50/20 | 20/60/20 | 10/70/20 | 20/60/20 | 40/40/20 | 40/40/20 |
Target Ratios (C/P/F) | 30/50/20 | 30/50/20 | 20/60/20 | 10/70/20 | 20/60/20 | 40/40/20 | 40/40/20 |
Total Completed | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Total Possible | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Mission 2 Total Complete | 15 | 30 | 45 | 60 | 75 | 90 | 105 |
Mission 2 Total Possible | 15 | 30 | 45 | 60 | 75 | 90 | 105 |
* = Counts towards total | |||||||
Success! | |||||||
Failed | |||||||
Not Counted! |
Burning Workout Log:
This was another body weight circuit. These are really cardio and weight workout all wrapped up into one workout because the resistance is good and the cardio effect is incredible. I completed 3 circuits and was completely out of gas at the end of that workout.

This is my current workout routine. For more information, click the image above.

This is my current abdominal training routine. For more information, click the image above.
Burning Thought for the Day:
Take time to understand your body and listen to the things it is telling you.
Burning Question of the Day:
What are your thoughts on all the 12 week transformation stories we see on the internet? Comment this blog to answer the question.
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Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING!
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