After the stats day, I was pumped. Could this program have been responsible for the results? Of course! In addition, I was very focused on nutriton last week and will be even more so this week. I want to see results.
My workout today consisted of a shoulder routine as follows. Please note that this time the rest period is 1 minute between exercises and 90 seconds between supersets.
Front DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×12; 25×11; 25×8
Arnold Press (ss)
40×13; 45×10; 50×8
Rear DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×12; 20×11; 25×8
Side DB Lateral Raise (ss)
15×13; 20×10; 25×8
DB Shrug (ss)
60×12; 60×11; 65×8
BB Military Press (ss)
75×12; 80×11; 85×13
I worked on progressive resistance by increasing my reps on most of the exercises as well as adding weight in one spot (Military Press). My focus continues to be on good form. I must say that I didn't originally think that 30 seconds difference in rest time (90 seconds between supersets instead of 2 minutes) was going to make much difference, but it really does. I felt like I was really being pushed hard with the shortened time.