I have been doing alot of thinking about goals and how to achieve them. I have gone back and reviewed some old resources from my past. Through it all I have taken notes and now believe I have come up with a great plan to attack my problems.
Taking It Down a Notch
Goals should be a stretch, right? This is something we hear all the time. This advice leads us down the wrong path. We begin to think in large scale ways. Our thinking gets so big that we create more opportunity for failure.
The answer is to take it down a notch. Look at the large scale goal and break it into pieces. Make it so it is harder to fail.
Eating correctly for the next 12 weeks can be a daunting task. Not eating junk food on Monday is easily achieveable. The 12 week goal is too large while the Monday goal is short enough to guarantee success.
Small Successes Strung Together
After you avoid all junk food on Monday you will need a goal for Tuesday. You could decide to avoid all junk food on Tuesday and to drink a gallon of water. By achieving Tuesday's goal you have strung together two small succeses and are on your way to long term success.
Be Honest
Don't fudge on your goals. If you fail to accomplish a goal try it again. Keep stringing together small successes. The honest reassesement of your situation will lead you to consistent success in the long run.