I moved on to the next workout in my Fat Loss II phase and now that the rest is down to 30 seconds, the Bulgarian Split Squats are back trying to kill me. I really focused myself on getting the form correct. I noticed just how hard it is to do these things right!
I started out with Deadlifts as usual. I am starting to really like Deadlifts!
Snatch Grip Deadlift (ss)
175×8; 175×8; 175×8
T-push up (ss)
15; 15; 14
Now the dreaded exercise:
Bulgarian split squat with overhead press (ss)
20×8; 20×8; 29×8
Chin up (assisted) (ss)
8(170); 8(170); 8(170)
Finally, an exercise I really feel after this workout:
Romanian Deadlift with Bent over row (ss)
80×8; 80×8; 80×8
Lower Body Russian Twist (ss)
8; 8; 8
I am continuing my focus on nutrition and avoiding cheat meals at all costs. So far it is working just fine.