Developing the posterior chain is very important when it comes to your ability to lift heavier and heavier weights. A strong posterior chain is needed for squats, deadlifts, overhead press and every other spinal load exercise you can do. In developing a strong posterior chain, the hinge technique plays a huge role.
The hinge is an explosive technique that involves a dynamic hip snap. You see it in Olympic lifts all the time. While the squat is called the King of Lifts, it isn’t possible to squat properly without good hinge technique. A powerful hinge will improve hamstring flexibility, help you avoid injuries, and give you better control on lifts like the squat and deadlift. Some say that the hinge is the single most powerful movement pattern you can perform. I can personally attest to the power of the hinge movement as I have improved my squat by using this pattern.
This is a list of some great articles to read in your quest to master the hinge technique.
- The Metabolic Swing – great article that explains the concept in detail.
- Hardcore Hinging for Hamstrings – a great article about using the movement pattern with hamstring training.
- Excelling at the Big Lifts – another great article about improving your squat and deadlift by improving your hinge technique.
- Quick Trick on Teaching the Hip Hinge and Mastering the Deadlift – good article (with videos) that explains the hip hinge
- TRX Hip Hinge – a great video introducing the this movement pattern using TRX suspension straps.
Take the time to master the hinge and you will see a massive improvement in your posterior chain. This is an area that is neglected by athletes and average Joes as well. Join the club that understands and works the hinge movement pattern on a regular basis by going through this list I have provided to you.