I was browsing shredder blogs today and reached Rod's Fat Burn Blog. There I saw a comment from an apparently well-meaning person named “Anthony” who chastised Rod for not losing fast enough. Anthony's sole focus was on the weightloss of the two. You can see Anthony's comment here.
This type of thing annoys me beyond belief and I felt the need to comment. I understand holding someone accountable, but what kind of joke is it that this guy, Anthony, is claiming a weight loss of 4.4 pounds a week and thinks it is so awesome? Doesn't he understand that he is losing muscle?
On page 72 of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto, Tom states:
“Look closely at your ratio of fat lost to lean mass lost. If you lose more lean mass than fat, that’s a clear sign that some of the weight was muscle. For example, suppose you lose 3 pounds in one week with 1.2 pounds from fat and 1.8 pounds from lean mass; don't pat yourself on the back for losing weight – you lost more LBM than fat. You should also look at the total amount of weight you lose each week. Your optimal goal for fat loss is to lose only one or two pounds per week. If you lose more than two pounds of weight per week, you’re probably losing muscle.”
Of course, I agree with Tom 100%. You are aiming to lose 2 pounds per week otherwise you are probably losing muscle. That isn't a good thing.
Let's make sure we consider this type of thing before we make dumb comments like the one Anthony left for Rod.