I've noticed an annoying thing lately. Nobody else cares if you are trying to shred off the fat. They all act like you are kidding when you tell them you are not eating the pizza they brought in for the meeting you are at or that you don't want anything but water. Why do I want to avoid the pizza and only drink water? I'm trying to shed fat! They just don't get it.
I honestly don't think they really care. It isn't affecting them so they just think you are amusing for what you are attempting to do. No matter how serious you are, they think it is all a joke.
I recently had a “skinny” guy tell me that he didn't believe I was at 18.5% body fat. I told him that I was definitely at that number. He said that he didn't believe it was possible because he was at 21% body fat and he looked skinnier than me. I asked him how he'd like me to prove myself and he suggested that we both visit the gym and have the trainer use the calipers to calculate our body fat percentage. I took him up on the offer, but told him that if I was at a lower body fat percentage than him, he would have to agree to work hard to get his body fat down.
A few days later we met at the gym near the office. The trainer was waiting for us (we'd called ahead). My friend went first and he came in at 22.7% body fat. I was next and I came in at 18.5% body fat. My friend was shocked. He couldn't understand how I could have a lower body fat percentage. The trainer made a great comment.
“You carry a little bit of fat all over your body,” he stated to my friend, “but he carries it all in his stomach area. That alone is the difference.”
The trainer was correct. The vast majority of my body fat is in my stomach area, while my friend carries it all over his body.
The point is that looks are deceiving. I may look heavier than my friend, but I'm much more lean than he is. I personally cannot wait until I've gotten down to 10% body fat because at that point I plan to pack on muscle. I know I will increase in body fat percentage, but I want to have the muscular body that I've dreamt of for a long time.
Just remember that it doesn't matter what other people think. It doesn't matter if they care about your fat loss efforts. All that matters is that you care and that you take action.
Until tomorrow…