The end is near in more ways than one. The basic move tasks are done and I just have a few tests to handle tomorrow and that will be the end of the entire project. At the same time, tomorrow is the last day of the group shred.
I look forward to the next 87 days of my first mission. I am going to shred hard and lose the maximum amount of body fat possible. I am currently considering what my goals should be and when I have them, I will post them for all to read so that I can be held accountable. I am excited about the future plans for the Shredder Council. It is all just exciting to me.
I read everyone's blogs daily and try to post something on each one. It isn't always possible due to time constraints, but I do my best.
Today was a HIIT day. I followed the same pattern as before. I did a 3 minute warm up followed by 1 minute at 3.5 mph and then 1 minute at 8.0 mph. I did that cycle 10 times and followed it with a 3 minute cool down. I am liking this HIIT pattern alot.
The rest of the day was spent debugging a phone problem. I finally figured out that the phones were just not compatible with the upgraded servers. That was sad, but at least the problem is figured out. All that remains is to test with the phones that are coming tomorrow.
I have been very reflective lately. I'm sure alot of that will be coming out in the blog soon. Stay tuned for that.
Until next time…