Today was a more normal day–if any day is normal. I was able to get more general things done and not be so focused on putting out fires. I noticed a difference in the gym as well.
Today I went to the gym in the morning to do some fasted HIIT cardio. I ran my intervals, increasing to 6 intervals from 5 the previous session. The gym itself was a little bit more crowded than usual. I guess that's normal.
In the afternoon (about 4 hours ago) I went to the gym a second time for some more HIIT cardio. I again ran 6 intervals. It felt great to hit the gym two times in one day. Hopefully that will become normal soon as well.
My eating continues to be good despite challenges I've been facing. I haven't had anything to drink in the past 6 days other than water and non-fat milk. I can feel the difference in my body already.
I did some more planning that I'm not ready to share yet. I also did some work on the eBook I plan to write. I spent a good portion of the evening trying to get music to transfer to my mp3 player. I finally managed to fix the problems and the music is now transferring.
I look at myself in my pictures and honestly, if I were comparing yesterday to today, I would not notice a bit of difference. However, Adam Waters is much too smart to send us down that path. Instead, he has us comparing our Day 1 picture to our current picture every day. That is where I see a difference in my physique.
Tomorrow is a weight lifting day. It involves my favorite exercise, deadlifts. Interestingly, I read an awesome article on how to properly do deadlifts. It breaks the process into 3 major parts and then each major part is broken into anywhere from 5 to 10 minor parts. It is really an awesome article and one I plan to study so that I can perfect my deadlift. However, the article makes it clear that when done right, deadlifts present the single best way to add a ton of lean body mass to your frame. No wonder I love them so much!
Until tomorrow…