Previous | Goal as of 11/24 |
Actual as of 11/24 |
Diff to Previous |
Diff to Goal |
Body Weight (lbs) | 232 | 232 | 232 | 0 | 0 |
Body Fat % | 18.2 | 18.0 | 17.5 | -0.7 | -0.5 |
LBM (lbs) | 189.78 | 190.24 | 191.4 | 1.62 | 1.16 |
I have managed to lose 0.7% in body fat while remaining the same weight. I have increased my LBM by 1.62 pounds in one week. I am beating my body fat % goal by 0.5% and my LBM goal by 1.16 lbs. I am well on my way to the ultimate goal of 13% by February 3, 2008. I still believe that the LBM goal will be difficult to attain. I think I will hit a point where I actually lose some LBM. This week, for instance, I take a week off from weight training (beein at it for 12 straight weeks non-stop) and yet I will continue to do cardio. Unless things work out amazingly well, I'm pretty sure I will continue to lose fat, but I am also pretty sure I will sacrifice some LBM in the process.
Daily pictures and a topical post will follow later…