Today was my first day on the Metabolic Surge nutrition program. It calls for me to limit my carbs at 30 to 50 grams each day. The recommendation (rightly so) is to aim for the 30 so you can make sure not to exceed the 50. It is a tough thing to do.
I started my hypertrophy workout today and it felt great. The feeling of pushing that heavy weight was just awesome and I loved every minute of it. The log is posted below.
Exercise | Weight/Reps |
Incline DB Bench Press | 70 x 5 70 x 5 70 x 5 70 x 5 70 x 5 |
Seated Cable Rows | 180 x 5 180 x 5 180 x 5 180 x 5 180 x 5 |
DB Shoulder Press | 50 x 5 50 x 5 50 x 5 50 x 5 50 x 5 |
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown | 150 x 5 150 x 5 150 x 5 150 x 5 150 x 5 |
Close grip BB bench press | 85 x 5 105 x 5 115 x 5 125 x 5 125 x 5 |
High pull | Did not complete I could not remember the way to do the exercise |
Swiss Ball Crunches | 15 15 15 |
The only exercise I had trouble gauging my weight on was the close grip BB bench press. I simply continued increasing the weight until I found the one that created the right amount of intensity. Unfortunately, I could not remember what a high pull was, so I didn't attempt it today. I will the next time I hit this workout.
Unfortunately, I continue to have technology problems as my headset with my microphone failed, so I will be picking one up tomorrow at which time I will record the podcast I've been promising. I was really bummed because I worked very hard on the content for this thing.
I'm very interested in seeing what results I'm going to produce from this Metabolic Surge nutrition program. It will be a very different way of eating for me for the next 36 days, but I am determined to complete all three cycles exactly as written.
I took a look at my goals and my progress today and this is what I see this week:
Goal Weight — 231 pounds
Actual Weight — 232 pounds
Difference — + 1.0 pound
Goal Body Fat % — 17.5%
Actual Body Fat % — 17.0%
Previous Body Fat % — 17.5%
Difference to Goal — -0.5%
Difference to Previous — -0.5%
Goal LBM — 190.58 pounds
Actual LBM — 192.56 pounds
Difference to Goal — +1.98 pounds
Yet another great week! I'm 0.5% ahead of my goals that I set for body fat percentage. That is awesome because it gives me the room to breathe that I am going to need. At the same time, I'm looking forward to Metabolic Surge burning off that extra fat in no time at all. With the Hypertrophy I program I should also start packing on the muscle, so I'm thinking the next month is going to be very interesting.
Until tomorrow…