The feedback on yesterday's blog (Mission 1, Day 56: Do you know what makes you successful?) points to another issue that's been on my mind lately. The concept of decisions and how they effect us is something that I've spent some time thinking through and I want to share those thoughts today.
Every single decision we make is important. When we decide to plan out our programs, we are conciously moving ourselves towards our goals. When we decide to have a cheat meal, we tend not to overdo it because it is a planned event. When we decide, spur of the moment, to cheat on a meal we tend to feel guilty and that guilt eventually drives us to cheat again. It is almost as though we feel we've failed, so what does it matter if we fail again?
Failure to consider our decisions carefully is a big cause of failure in any plan. We can either be spontaneous or we can be methodical. If we are methodical about our decision making process we tend to make better decisions, decisions based on properly addressing our needs. When we are spontaneous with our decisions we tend to be impetuous. We tend to just go with the flow, thinking that we can make up for lost time later. We end up procrastinating because our spontaneous decisions seem so good at the time. However, when we are methodical we look at all angles and make decisions that lead us towards the completion of our goals. This is what breeds success.
Don't get me wrong. There is a time and place to be spontaneous. I just don't believe that decisions regarding our health or finances should be spontaneous. Those are the types of decisions that need to be methodical.
I've noticed myself doing more and more planning where it relates to my exercise and nutrition. I think the reason I enjoy the Metabolic Surge nutrition plan is that it is very methodical. There is a rationale behind why we are told to eat the way it says to eat. That brings me to a comfort zone. It helps me understand what the goal is and because of that, I am much more successful at sticking to the plan.
Podcast listeners, you will get two podcasts tomorrow (Saturday). My surprise is coming on Christmas day. I decided that was a good day for it. Who can guess what the surprise is? Leave a comment and tell me what you think the surprise is going to be.
Until tomorrow…