The stats are in for the week. Here they are:
Item | Measurement |
Current Weight (lbs) | 222 |
Previous Weight (lbs) | 226 |
Goal Weight (lbs) | 229 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | -4 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -7 |
Current Body Fat % | 15.0% |
Previous Body Fat % | 15.5% |
Goal Body Fat % | 16.0% |
Variance to previous | -0.5% |
Variance to goal | -1.0% |
Current LBM (lbs) | 188.70 |
Previous LBM (lbs) | 190.97 |
Goal LBM (lbs) | 192.36 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | -2.27 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -3.36 |
Just as I thought when I set these goals originally, hitting the fat percentage goal will happen, hitting the body weight goal will happen, but the lean body mass goal is going to be difficult to hit at this stage. My current plans are to go into a muscle building phase starting on February 4, 2008 for Mission 2. That will increase my body fat percentage slightly, but will also increase my LBM tremendously. I will use Mission 3 to cut back on the fat yet again. I honestly think I will come in lower than my February 3, 2008 body fat percentage goal of 13.0%, so that might be to my benefit. You might be wondering why I say that.
If I stay on the path I've been on, losing 0.5% each week, I will wind up at 12.0% body fat on February 3, 2008. If I can manage to get it lower than that, say 10.0% body fat, I can then go into a bulking phase in Mission 2. That will increase my body fat percentage slightly, but I will be bulking up on the LBM.
All in all, I am pleased with the progress so far. I know I'm going to have to shred very hard in January to be sure to meet all my goals.