The stats are in for the week. Here they are:
Item | Measurement |
Current Weight (lbs) | 223 |
Previous Weight (lbs) | 223 |
Goal Weight (lbs) | 230 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | 0 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -7 |
Current Body Fat % | 13.0% |
Previous Body Fat % | 13.0% |
Goal Body Fat % | 13.5% |
Variance to previous | 0 |
Variance to goal | -0.5% |
Current LBM (lbs) | 194.01 |
Previous LBM (lbs) | 194.01 |
Goal LBM (lbs) | 198.95 |
Variance to previous (lbs) | 0 |
Variance to goal (lbs) | -4.94 |
My weight and body fat percentage stayed the same this week. I'm really not surprised. The weight lifting I do really helps me burn fat big time. Without that, I have a little more trouble. The interesting thing to me, and this is telling, my cardio strategy needs to change up more often. It is something Marc David mentioned in Podcast: The No Bull Bodybuilding Interview with Marc David. Not only do we need to change up our weight lifting plan, we need to change up our cardio plan as well. I have to examine this because I should have lost some fat. What's odd is that my pictures definitely show progress.
My learning from these results: I need to reexamine my cardio and change it up more often.
Accountability Plan for This Week:
Sunday, 1/27/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
Weight training
30 minutes steady state cardio on bike
FYA workout
Push up challenge week #5 test
Monday, 1/28/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
Max-OT Cardio Session for 16 minutes on treadmill
FYA workout
Push up challenge workout
Tuesday, 1/29/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
Weight training
FYA workout
45 minutes steady state cardio on elliptical
Wednesday, 1/30/2008:
BFFM, 50/30/20 (3050 calories)
18 glasses of water
Max-OT Cardio Session for 16 minutes on bike
FYA workout
Push up challenge workout
Thursday, 1/31/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
Weight Training
FYA workout
HIIT Cardio Sesssion for 20 minutes on elliptical
Friday, 1/25/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
Max-OT Cardio Session for 16 minutes on treadmill
FYA workout
Push up challenge workout
Saturday, 1/26/2008:
BFFM, 40/40/20 (2550 calories)
18 glasses of water
HIIT Cardio Session for 20 minutes on treadmill
FYA workout
Monday through Friday my nutrition plan starts at 4:30 a.m. while it starts at 6 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. I am currently on a week away from weightlifting. My focus is on mixing up the cardio this week. I will be alternating the style of cardio and they cardio equipment that I use. With the plan I have for this week I will be doing the bike 2 times, the elliptical 2 times and the treadmill 3 times. I will also be doing HIIT 2 times, Max-OT 3 times and Steady State 2 times. I'd say that's a pretty good try at variety.
My pics and the rest of my day will be coming later.