Ab training is something often overlooked or misunderstood. I have gone in many directions with it. I have now come to believe that an intense training is necessary to strengthen this area of our body. Today I present Absolute Ab Training, a system that uses intensity and volume to work your mid-section and strengthen your core.
The Program
This program uses 2 exercises each session at the end of a weight training session. It hits you twice a week. The key is to use intensity and to vary that intensity throughout the program. Pay attention to the routines that follow. They are grouped in cycles that you must adhere to in order to see the results you want. These cycles assume you are training 4 days a week.
Absolute Ab Training Routines
Cycle 1
The key to Cycle 1 is to hit your abdominals with a strict number of sets and repetitions. You will add weight as you are able to complete all the sets with the prescribed repetitions.
Day 1
Exercise | Sets/Reps |
Floor crunches | 3×12 |
Weighted Crunches | 3×15 |
Day 3
Exercise | Sets/Reps |
Hanging Knee Raises | 3×15 |
Bicycles | 3×15 |
Cycle 2
The key to Cycle 2 is to add volume. You are going to do the exercises in a manner that causes you to aim for a certain number of repetitions in the fewest number of sets (AFSAP). This will force the volume because you are going to hit your repetition numbers no matter what, even if it takes you 5 or more sets.
Day 1
Exercise | Sets/Reps |
Floor crunches | 40 reps AFSAP |
Weighted crunches | 40 reps AFSAP |
Day 2
Exercise | Sets/Reps |
Hanging Knee Raises | 36 reps AFSAP |
Bicycles | 36 reps AFSAP |
Follow Up
You have seen a glimpse of my program. It works. You will find that varying intensity the way I show above will really give you a burn in your mid-section.