Training splits that work is kind of a misnomer. Most training splits work quite well. Some obviously work better than others. Let's have a look at a few training splits that work and examine the details of why they might work.
This split takes your workout and spreads it over 3 days. You do pushing exercises on one day, pulling exercises on another day and legs on another day. You could do this then take a rest day and repeat. This type of split is great for hitting body parts multiple times in a week.
This split simply has you do upper body on one day and lower body on another day. A typical approach would be to do the following schedule:
Sunday – Upper
Monday – Lower
Tuesday – Off
Wednesday – Upper
Thursday – Lower
Friday – Off
Saturday – Off
This also hits all body parts twice a week.
Full Body
Full body splits are a great way to get your training in with less time available. You craft your training to hit every body part 3 times a week. It is typical to train Monday, Wednesday and Friday with this plan. You will hit your body parts 3 times per week. It is easy to mess with intensity when doing this split. Volume is handled as well. This, to me, is the perfect split for someone who is just starting to train or someone who doesn't have a lot of time to train.
Training Splits that Work
Give these a try and see what you think. You will find that each has benefits and each has elements that bring them down. It is all about what works best for you, so conduct your Experiment of One and see what happens.