Hey you! Yeah you…the one sitting on the couch. Or how about you? The one who hasn't been to the gym in weeks or even months. What is wrong with you? Get up and do the job already.
Living a sedentary lifestyle is not a good decision for anyone. Everyone needs some kind of activity in their life. I am not saying you have to be a hardcore gym rat, but do what it takes to get that body moving and sweating on a regula rbasis. If you don't you are going to regret it. The longer you wait the harder it all becomes.
I can't say it enough–you have to do what it takes. Excuses don't need to apply. Justifications won't work for me. Doing what it takes is the only thing I am going to accept. it is OK to start slowly. There is nothing wrong with one workout a week when you start. However,, that isn't what it takes.
Get up and do the work. It really isn't that difficult. Trust me when I say that putting it off isn't the right idea. Set one small goal around fitness and then set to work achieving it. That one goal will snowball. You will find yourself doing more and more. Before long you will wonder how you lived without it.