I have written many articles about lifting techniques. I have also been asked a lot of questions about my “inconsistencies” as a result. The fact is that I am a student of the game. I feel that trying things and determining what works is the n best approach anyone can possibly use. Today i want to examine lifting an explosive way.
3 Second Cadence Works
I have preached about the 3 second cadence–3 seconds down and 3 seconds up–and how much it works your muscles. I am here to say that it definitely works, but it isn't the only way. I have used the 3 second cadence during full body workouts. It is one great way to stress the muscles and cause growth. At the same time, I find it is best with a program like HIT where you are hitting the body really hard all at once.
Explosive Lifting Described
The best way to explain explosive lifting is to paint a picture. Imagine you are under the bar doing a bench press. You unrack the weight. You lower it to your chest under complete control. As soon as the bar reaches the bottom you push as hard as you can to the top of the motion. You then repeat this motion. You keep it going at a constant pace like that. There are no pauses or rests involved.
Benefits of Explosive Lifting
This is yet another tool for your lifting tool belt. you will find your body adapting to the other things you are doing. Add in explosive lifting and it is suddenly a game changer, getting your body back on the growth track. I admit that many other methods will put on muscle, but explosiveness will also build some major strength and fast. I recently spent 8 weeks lifting this way exclusively and I set PRs each and every week.
Get Started
Don't put this off. You know you are tired of your old method. The next time you are under a bar use the explosive lifting technique and watch things change for you immediately.