When you are lifting weights to help you lose weight you want to be very strict. You want your body to work as hard as it can. That will require strict form on each set as well as strict adherence to a rest interval.
Strict Form
Every exercise has the right way to get execute it. Correct form was designed to isolate the correct muscle and work it safely and efficiently. Before you hit the gym plan out your exercises and then hit YouTube to find videos that will show you good form. Bodybuilding.com is a great resource for exercise videos.
As you execute each set pay attention to strict form. Stop your set as soon as your form strays from strict form. Only count repetitions that stick to strict form. This will help you avoid injury and aide in increasing your strength.
Strict Rest Periods
As I have mentioned previously in other articles, you want to get a cardio effect from your weight lifting. In order to do this you need to adhere to strict rest periods. Use a timer like the app Seconds and you can make certain you stick to your rest periods. Set it for 45 seconds and Seconds warns you 3 seconds before that interval is up. Get under the bar and lift
My Conclusion
By being strict with form and rest intervals you can take the intensity of your training to a completely new level. This is going to help you lose the fat even faster.
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