When training the back, most people forget that the goal is to get a wide back as well as a thick back. These two things are accomplished in different manners. Today I want to share with you the secrets of getting a wider back. At another time I will share with you the secrets for getting a thicker back.
Lats Are the Key
If you want a wide back you are going to have to target the lats. A nice lat spread gives you a really wide looking back. Hitting the lats with intensity is going to be the key to getting the wide back you desire.
Pull-ups for a Wide Back
The first exercise for achieving a wide back is a pull-up. If you cannot do a pull-up either have a friend help you or use an assisted pull-up machine. Use a medium grip to get a good range of motion. Lower yourself slowly and pull yourself up with explosiveness. Make sure not to use a supinated (hands facing) grip on this one (that's a chin up anyway).
Pull Downs for a Wide Back
The next exercise for achieving a wide back is the lat pull down. You will want to use a moderate weight and a wide grip. Don't rock back and forth. Make sure your lats are isolated when performing this movement. Squeeze hard at the bottom of the motion and control the weight stack on the way back up.
Deadlifts for a Wide Back
The final exercise for achieving a wide back is the deadlift. While this exercise will honestly build both width and thickness, I like to use it on my width day. I use a rack pull on my thickness day. Yes, I split my back training into two days–one for width and one for thickness. Make sure to set up properly for the deadlift. You will want to take a shoulder width stance with your hands close to your legs. Use as heavy a weight as you can get 10 reps with. Keep the bar close to your body the entire time you are doing the deadlift. Pull the weight off the floor using your legs. It should feel as though you are pushing the floor away from you. You will be amazed at how much you can deadlift when you get the form correct.
You will love the results you get just by including the pull-up, pull down and deadlift into your routine. In addition, you can add bent rows and one arm rows to your routine if you don't want to split your back training into two sessions like I do. If you focus on form and the tight contraction at the top of every movement you will see a major change in your back in a very short time. Comment below for any questions or other tips for back training.