HIT workouts are an amazingly effective method for burning fat. You can get more done in a much shorter time period using this cardio technique. I want to explain to you what HIIT is and then give you some sample workouts to try. I will explain the process by which you can create your own HIIT workouts.
What Is HIIT
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is an exercise strategy that involves mixing short periods of intense aerobic activity with less intense recovery periods. It is extremely effective at burning fat because the fat burning effect continues even after the workout is done. A HIIT workout done properly will improve athletic conditioning, improve glucose metabolism and fat loss.
How to Do a HIIT Workout
HIIT workouts really don't have a formula. Some people use a 2:1 ratio or even a 1:1 ratio. It all depends upon your fitness level. I personally like to mix up different ratios and get a different feeling in my workout. HIIT workouts are intense, but short. They require maximum effort.
The Coe Method
When Sebastian Coe (Olympic runner) trained he would mix in 200 meter all out sprints with 30 seconds of rest. Clearly this approach is based on distance and not time.
Tabata Method
Another really popular method of doing cardio and one I use on leg days to get an extra metabolic boost is the Tabata Methhod. This method involves doing 20 seconds of all out work followed by 10 seconds of rest. This can be done using weights or just running. I tend to do it using various weight training exercises as it really gets my heart racing, but is easier to execute the 20 second intense interval and balance it with the rest period.
My Favourite Interval
HIIT workouts can be customized to suit your own needs. I currently use a method wherein a run hard for 45 seconds and then recover for 75 seconds. It is kind of a reverse ratio, but it works quite well because I can really go all out during the intense interval. 45 seconds is just long enough to be painful, but short enough that it can be completed. By making sure you get moving again after the 75 seconds of rest you will find yourself seriously out of breath in no time at all.
Body for Life Intervals
Body for Life was a very popular program in the past. The cardio plan is actually pretty intense and is one of the HIIT workouts you should incorporate into your training. It works by increasing the intensity gradually. You warm up for 2 minutes at intensity level of 5. At the start of minute 2 you go up to intensity level 6. At the start of minute 3 you go up to intensity level 7. At the start of minute 4 you go to intensity level 8, at the start of minute 5 you to to intensity level 9. At the start of minute 6 you drop back down to intensity level 5 for a minute. You keep this up until you've hit 20 minutes. The following table outlines the plan exactly.
Body for Life 20 Minute HIIT | |
0-2 minutes | Warm up at Intensity 5 |
2-3 minutes | Intensity Level 6 |
3-4 minutes | Intensity Level 7 |
4-5 minutes | Intensity Level 8 |
5-6 minutes | Intensity Level 9 |
6-7 minutes | Intensity Level 5 |
7-8 minutes | Intensity Level 6 |
8-9 minutes | Intensity Level 7 |
9-10 minutes | Intensity Level 8 |
10-11 minutes | Intensity Level 9 |
11-12 minutes | Intensity Level 10 |
12-13 minutes | Intensity Level 5 |
13-14 minutes | Intensity Level 6 |
14-15 minutes | Intensity Level 7 |
15-16 minutes | Intensity Level 8 |
16-17 minutes | Intensity Level 9 |
17-18 minutes | Intensity Level 10 |
18-20 minutes | Cool down at Intensity Level 5 |
Try this one and let me know how you feel after!
HIIT Workouts Just Plain Do the Job
HIIT workouts are a great way to get some cardio in and get an intense benefit. I tend to insert them after every weight workout if I am not training with weights daily. Regardless, the quick cardio sessions give me some amazing results when I am consistent. Give these techniques a try and let me know how it goes.
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