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![]() During another of my interesting exchanges with Carlos DeJesus, I started to think about decision making. It made me realize that there are basically two kinds of decision making: emotional and intellectual. When a decision is made with emotions we tend to stick to preconceived notions. The decision is more about feelings than what the facts show. Everyone holds certain preconceived notions about things. Those preconceived notions are generally based upon emotions. For instance, most people believe that the best way to lose weight is to simply cut calories. They don't want to work hard, so they avoid the gym. Their preconceived notion that the best way to lose weight is to cut calories takes over. When faced with the decision to get in shape, they fall back on their preconceived notion that they need to cut calories. Once they've fallen back on their preconceived notion, most people won't bother to even listen to things that contradict that preconceived notion. The fact is that emotional decisions are made in order to make us feel better. When a decision is made with one's intellect it is quite a different story. Intellectual decisions tend to be well thought out. These types of decisions involve alot of thought and analysis. Most of the time they are based upon data that has been collected. Things have been weighed and examined and a decision has been rendered. With this type of decision, if something is presented that contradicts the facts as seen so far, that new information is weighed and considered alongside the already collected data. If a change is needed in the decision it is made. Which way is the better way to make a decision? I personally believe in the intellectual method because I feel the best way to make a decision is to consider all the facts. An emotional decision has an air of uncertainty about it. It feels like a collapse can happen at any point. There just isn't a sense of comfort when a decision is made purely on emotions. What are your thoughts on this issue? Share them via a comment. |
![]() Today was a 30 minute interval cardio session. |
![]() Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching? |
![]() Are you an emotional or intellectual decision maker? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M5:D5 (D413) Now I get it!
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![]() During our workout today both my son and I noticed how difficult some exercises really are. I started looking back in my log and noted that some of my weights have actually gone down and yet I'm struggling. The answer became very clear. The second exercise we do is deadlifts. When you put everything you've got into your deadlifts there isn't much left for the rest of the workout. This was designed this way by Dr. Darden. I'm not really sure why I didn't catch on to this sooner, but it hit me hard today. Deadlifts hit the entire body. Thus, when you do them so early in a workout it is sort of a pre-exhaustion technique. I noticed it especially in my bent over rows, but my pulldowns were amazingly hard today as well. I will say that it makes it extra intense when you do deadlifts this early in the workout. At the same time, the intensity level goes way up for the entire workout. I was winded from the second exercise forward. It was truly intense. This leads me to a lesson everyone needs to learn. We often speak in terms of cardio for fat burning and weight training for muscle building, but this is a thought process that must be set aside. Weight training can be a great cardio workout if done correctly. At the same time, it keeps you from losing the muscle you are working so hard to build. Carlos DeJesus prescribes a weight training circuit as cardio for alot of his clients. It gets the heart rate way up and really helps to burn fat. At the same time, if you are capable of pushing yourself extremely hard during your weight training workouts you can get this same cardio benefit. That's what happens to me during H.I.T. workouts. My heart rate is racing throughout the workout. I keep the rest periods very short. In fact, the only rest I get is deloading one exercise and loading up the other exercise. Carlos sent me an email today that got me thinking. He commented about how cigarette smokers, when traveling, plan space in their luggage for their extra cigarettes. They do such a good job that they are rarely ever caught short. Thus, why is it that someone with a bad habit plans ahead better than some of us who are supposed to be so health conscious? We say we want to stick to our eating plans when away from home and yet we just don't plan as well as the cigarette smoker. In addition, cigarette smokers don't offer any excuses for what they do, but alot of us are so self-conscious about our eating habits that we make excuses when eating out with other people. Why is that?
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Things progressed well today. We both increased most of our weights/reps throughout the entire workout. As noted above, we both found that the workout got more intense today. The combination of working closer to the 80% of our 1RM and the deadlifts right at the start of the workout really kicked our butts. For those of you interested in following Matty's progress, each Sunday through this mission we will be posting an article with his pictures. We will do an end of Week 1 picture this Sunday. Each Sunday thereafter (through this mission) we will do a comparison of Week 1 with the current week's picture. It should be interesting to see Matty's transformation. |
![]() Planning ahead is the only way to stay on target. |
![]() What sort of plans do you put in place when you have to be away from home? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M5:D4 (D412) Intensity intensified
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![]() I was sitting in the car on the way to hockey practice talking to Matty about how he was feeling. He said that the new repetition ranges were like "intensity training that has been intensified." I thought it was an interesting take. As you would know if you read yesterday's post you will know that I neither of us found our workout to be extremely taxing due to the fact that we were asked to drop down to 70% of our 1RM. The last time we started a H.I.T. cycle we worked at 80% of our 1RM to begin with. Well, today we both had DOMs in our legs. I could also feel it in my lower back. The only explanation is the repetition ranges are working already after just one workout. Neither of us was lifting weights that were particularly difficult to us yesterday and yet we got hit pretty good with DOMs just one day after the fact. It felt great. We both discussed how excited we are to be back in the gym tomorrow. It is just an awesome feeling! Today I realized just how thankful I am that I get to workout with my son. It is so much fun to mentor him through this process. I am attempting to give him the lessons he will need to enable him to create his own workouts. He has come a long way. He came from not giving his full effort to where he is completely pounding his body at every workout. He is seeing the benefits through his hockey playing. It is just simply exciting to see how this is all working for us. I am very proud of his efforts.
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![]() Why do we seem to lose motivation just when things are going well? |
![]() What do you do to stay motivated? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
Related Posts:
M5:D3 (D411) Return to Iron
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![]() Today was my return to iron. I got back into the gym to lift and lift I did. The new workout is substantially shorter than my previous workout by 3 exercises. That makes alot of difference when you have to load and deload a bar. I truly enjoyed my first session of the week and I'm looking forward to two more identical sessions this week. I also had to return to the gym later in the afternoon to do my scheduled cardio session. I hate double gym trips, but it is the only way to get in extra cardio other than outdoor cardio and right now the weather isn't cooperating with that idea. I spent the day knocking off small tasks for work. These are the kinds of things that make a huge difference for others, but take me very little time at all to accomplish. I do this about every other week. I sit down with some major focus and just plow through my captured list of small tasks. When I was done today I went and processed all my meeting notes from last week into my GTD system. This system is what keeps me organized and afloat. I noticed an article on a body building forum about only being able to get 1 full body workout in a week when the man had intended to do 3. My initial thought was that at least he is working out 1 day a week, but my next thought has to do with making time for things that are important to you. Why the excuses? Why not just buckle down and make the time for the gym? I'm sure he could get up an hour earlier to fit in a full body workout more often. If he were to sit down and think about ways to accomplish more gym time, it would happen. My take is that it just isn't that important to him or he'd make the time.
![]() Mike's Workout Log
Matty's Workout Log Oh yeah! We hit the iron and hard today. The program calls for me to drop down to 70% of my 1 rep maximum on all exercises and then aim for a certain repetition range on all exercises. It is very specialized and individualized. For instance, my optimal repetition range for the bench press is 6 to 8 repetitions, but Matty's on the same exercise is 3 to 5 repetitions. Another example is that on the leg extension my optimal repetition range is 9 to 12 repetitions while Matty's is 5 to 7 repetitions. This made the workout much more complicated, but I used our logs and logged this stuff down prior to the actual workout. I have to pay special attention to the maximum part of the range because that is where the weights increase. I honestly felt this was a pretty easy workout, but the majority of my exercises also call for me to up the weight in the next session. Matty felt the same way. He's gotten used to High Intensity Training and expected a tougher workout. My take is that we just came off a week's rest and the program is easing us into the workouts. That's the awesome nature of H.I.T., we control the pace. We will be upping the weights for our Thursday workout. |
![]() When faced with tough decisions, take the time to step back and consider all the angles. |
![]() How do you go about considering all the angles when making a decision? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M5:D2 (D410) Pumped up
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![]() Today is the second day of M5 and I am completely pumped up. Tomorrow will be the first weight training I've done in 9 days. I am excited to get back to hitting the iron. My son is particularly excited as well. This is the first time that we've done such extensive measurements on him. He wants to see some changes! I spent part of the morning doing affirmations. I've been working through the following today: Affirmations: I have large muscles that burn fat from my body with ease. I eat the right food in the right amount to continually build more muscle. I will post my affirmations as I use them. These have kept me very focused today. I changed things up this time around by taking a break between missions, but even then, I had to make that mission a "rest" mission so that I could get ready for M5 itself. I plan to knock off every single one of the goals listed in my mission goals. I am going to post them in my sidebar and you guys can follow the progress accordingly. I have these goals posted around in various places to remind myself what needs to get done. I am preparing for my first video podcast of M5 and wanted to ask your opinion. Please take this one question survey to help me determine what to do for my video podcast this week. Whatever topic gets the most votes will be the topic I use for the podcast.
![]() Today was a 60 minute steady state cardio session. |
![]() "The only man I've ever had trouble with is myself." Dwight L. Moody |
![]() Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to training? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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