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![]() Today was a rest day for me. It was also my first day of Phase 2 for M3 — the Bulking Phase! Yes, today I spent the day eating and eating. I am ready to hit the gym hard tomorrow. I will be doing the first workout of my bulk phase tomorrow and I plan to add the Quad Blaster to the routine. I can't wait to give it a whirl. I must say that Carlos Dejesus is an awesome man. He and I have chatted on the phone several times now and the last time we talked was the day the Quad Blaster arrived. At that time, Carlos asked when I'd be using the Quad Blaster for my first official workout. He forgot that it was tomorrow and so today he sent me an email asking how the workout went. When I informed him that the first official workout is tomorrow he asked me to email him with how it goes. I think his follow up is awesome. I learned a few things about carb cycling during a bulk today through some reading I was directed to do. I will not be carb cycling at the start of the bulk phase, but at some point I will need to and at that point I will use the techniques that I picked up today. Alot of what I learned I already knew, but there were some extra tips thrown in. For instance, it is suggested that the best way to carb cycle is to have 3 types of days in a week: high carb, moderate carb and low carb. The technique I learned starts by figuring how many calories you need. This is the moderate carb day's number. It then figures how much protein and carbs you need. From that number you know how much fat to take in. You are then supposed to make the carbs match the protein for the moderate day. You are left with a number for fat. This number remains constant. Finally, you add 25% for high carb days to the carbs and subract 25% for the low carb days. It is really pretty straight forward. Taking a person who weighs 220 pounds, that person would need 1.5 g. of protein so that would be 330 g. of protein. You would then have the following table:
The simple idea is that fat and protein stays the same throughout the entire week. If you are working out 3 days a week (lifting that is) you would pick 2 of those days for high carbs and 1 of those days for moderate carbs. You would then pick one other moderate carb day. The other 3 days remaining would be low carb. You will notice that since all you do is cycle your carbs up and down, your calories will also cycle up and down. This is excellent for the metabolism as it keeps your body guessing. This will help you minimize fat gain while maximizing muscle gain. Finally, when you have done this for about 8 weeks, you simply drop about 20 grams of carbs each day for a week to adjust your cycle and then repeat it all over again. It apparently works very well. I have filed it away for future review, but wanted to share it with everyone. I took some photos that will remain classified. They will be my progress meter for this bulk phase. I also did some stats today. As mentioned yesterday, I will not be sharing any of that with you until the end of this phase at the earliest, but quite possibly not until the end of M3. |
I marked myself off for the 2:30 p.m. meal because I was at a friend's house and ate some things that were not on my plan and were not really good for me. Suffice to say that it didn't concern me too much because I'm on a bulk, but I should have made better choices, so I've marked myself as a fail for that meal. |
![]() Rest day today. |
![]() Think of yourself as a machine that needs to receive special care and then do your best to keep yourself running in tip top shape. |
![]() What is your #1 long term goal? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
M3:D19 The Storm is About to Begin
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![]() Today my final body weight circuit of the Upside Down Training. I have figured out a few ways to up the intensity and I've been using those on this week's body weight circuits. It really works to get the heart rate up and you get a nice set of DOMs the next day. I am really excited to do my measurements for my bulk phase tomorrow. I will not be posting any stats for the entire Phase 2 of M3. I feel like building a little suspense again. I have finished reading Muscle Revolution by Chad Waterbury. This book is a must-read for anyone serious about putting on any amount of muscle. He starts out the book with some specific examples from his own clients from a senior citizen center. I mention this because I can hear some of you sighing and saying “I'm too old for that” but you really are not. I strongly recommend you head over to http://www.chadwaterbury.com and pick yourself up a copy of Muscle Revolution.Today was a reflective day. I have noticed a change in myself at this point. I have continued to read up on bulking, but I have not been the slightest bit tempted to change my plans. This is something I normally would be tempted to do, but this time I'm seeing the flexibility in my own plan. I think that the ability to make very clear and concise adjustments and having that ability built into the plan has given me a high level of confidence. Some people call it a contingency plan, but I call it planned alterations. What's cool is that there are triggers for each alteration. Stay tuned to this blog for how this entire plan works. |
![]() Today was a body weight circuit. Not alot to report. I did 4 circuits and was pretty winded. |
![]() Understanding the origins of bodybuilding is important for those of us trying to build our bodies. |
![]() What is the origin of “bench press to the neck”? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D18 A visitor arrives!
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M3:D17 Go to the top
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![]() Today was my final upper body workout of my Upside Down Training. The many different techniques used in this workout really shock the body. I have found during the past four weeks that this workout really fatigues me. I get to the point that I can barely lift my arms after the workout is over. Muscle Revolution by Chad Waterbury arrived in the mail today and I've been devouring it. What an awesome book and I highly recommend that you head over to http://www.chadwaterbury.com and pick up your own copy. What an incredibly well written book! Again, this was another busy day and I'm tired, so it is off to bed again. Tomorrow will be another great tip from Vince DelMonte. |
![]() As mentioned, today was an upper body workout. I don't have to say much because I keep talking about how intense some of the techniques are. I am applying the concept of 21s (something generally kept to the bicpes) and applying it to my back workouts and my triceps. I am also utilizing 1-1/2 rep repetitions on various exercises to really fry the muscle. I am using explosive reps to activite the fast twitch muscle fibers. I am just working the muscles from every possible angle to get maximum effect. ![]() My current workout routine. Click the image for more information |
![]() When you need heat, start a fire. When you have a burning fire, keep it going for maximum impact. |
![]() Which lean protein source dominates your menu? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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M3:D16 Round trip baby
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![]() Today started out with an awesome cardio session. Upon returning from the gym I had to head to the airport for my trip to Seattle. I packed my small cooler with my meals for the day and brought it with me. The plane was practically empty on the way up. I passed the time by listening to several podcasts on the way up. The time flew by so quickly. The weather in Seattle was cool, but comfortable. I was picked up at the airport and brought to the site. I did what I had to do. I discovered that things were not as bad as I had expected, but there's alot of work to get done up there. I will have to take another trip up there mid-June. I returned home in one piece and I'm exhausted now. It is time for bed. FYI, yesterday's post was put up around 8:45 p.m., but for some reason it never published. It was still set to “Pending” when I came in tonight. Three more days of cutting and then the bulk begins! |
![]() I had a great PACE cardio session on the elliptical today. I went up to just about the highest resistance and just cranked out the paces (over 270) for the working portions of the PACE session. I have had a tendency not to hit the cardio sessions as hard as I should and that's changed of late. |
![]() Travelling is no reason to get off track. It just takes more advanced planning, but it can be accomplished. |
![]() How far in advance do you plan your meals? Comment this post to answer the question. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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