Featured Contributor – Michael Mahony
Michael Mahony is a fitness enthusiast and eBook author who has a passion for learning and helping other people. He believes that it is more important to learn principles than to be given hard guidelines. His philosophy is that you must teach people how to be independent so that they can keep themselves in shape for a lifetime. Michael started https://fitnessexpose.com in response to the onslaught of false information that has infiltrated the fitness industry via the internet. Michael believes in accountability blogging and maintains an accountability blog at http://thefatburningmachineblog.com. You can connect with Michael on Facebook at http://profiles.to/mikemahony. Follow Michael on Twitter @mikemahony.
Featured Contributor – Narina Prokosch
Narina Prokosch, RN, CPT, is a Registered Nurse/Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Victoria Wellness Professionals, a private fitness studio in Victoria, Canada. She has a background in competitive bodybuilding and equestrian sports, as well as in nursing. Narina encourages “mentoring, monitoring, and motivation” of all her clients. Narina's other sites include http://www.victoriawellness.com and http://blog.victoriawellness.com. You can connect with Narina on Facebook at http://companies.to/victoriawellnessprofessionals. Follow Narina on Twitter @narinaanne.