The Muscle Building Fat Burning Video Blog #101
![]() Today I want to introduce you to a website that I feel will be extremely beneficial to your fitness progress. The proprietor is a good friend of mine, Marc David. Marc runs a couple of websites, but his blog site located at has some awesome information. Marc is not afraid to approach any topic on his site. He has an area on the sidebar that lists recent articles. In that list you will find an article about the supplements Marc takes, another article in which Marc is interviewed by Dave DePew (my nutritional consultant) and yet another where Marc discusses Monster Milk RTD. I like the tone of Marc’s articles. He isn’t afraid to tell you what works and what doesn’t work. Marc is extremely consistent despite people’s attempts to trip him up. Witness a Q&A in his most recent article:
Marc does not mince words. He has alot of the same philosophies I do. He is in the business to help people and not just to make money. With Marc, what you see is what you get. He is the guy he portrays in all of his articles. He doesn’t lead a secret life. You won’t find incriminating photos of him up on Facebook or Twitpic because Marc practices what he preaches. I highly recommend adding Marc’s blog to your RSS reader so that you don’t miss a single article. I have learned a tremendous amount from this man. I am truly grateful to him for the information that he provides. Some of my favorite Marc David articles from are: Dave DePew Interviews the NoBull Muscle Guy You can follow Marc on Twitter — @marc_david You can connect with Marc on Facebook – If you are serious about getting in shape and staying that way then you need to get to know this guy! |
![]() ![]() Well, Matty and I were both very sick this morning, so no workout. We planned to get to the gym for our cardio session later in the day, but that didn’t happen. We will be back to it tomorrow. |
Until tomorrow…GET BACK TO LIFTING! |
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Feeling overwhelmed by the information you get on the web? Not sure if that guy is a "guru”? The answer is finally here! |