Last night I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. As I went off to bed I was thinking about my deadlift workout in the morning. As soon as I went to sleep I dreamt about my workout.
I'm up at 3:30 a.m. and getting prepared for my workout. I have a protein shake blended with a portion of oatmeal. I down that and fill up my shaker with a portion of protein, glutamine and some glucose for the insulin spike when I drink the shake after my workout. I head off to the gym and begin thinking about my workout and what I'm going to try.
I walk into the gym and it is farily quiet as this is a holiday week. I step onto the treadmill and do a 10 minute warm up. I then head over to the squat rack that I use for my deadlifts. I have been increasing my weight by 5 pounds on my deadlifts and this time I feel strong, so I add 10 pounds. I am about to attempt a 195 pound deadlift for 10 repetitions. I step up to the bar and squeeze my hands tightly. I squat down and grip the bar with alternating grip on my hands. I push my heels hard into the ground and with locked out arms, I begin to lift the bar off the ground. I'm full vertical and my traps are squeezed together at the end of the lift. I lower the weight. That's one repetition. This repeats for 10 repetitions. I have completed one set of deadlifts. Without any rest, I immediately drop and do 11 explosive pushups. I follow that with 10 Bulgarian Split Squats. Finally, I end the set with 10 two-point rows on each arm. I rest for 60 seconds and my mind starts wandering to that deadlift I need to do on the next set.
“Why am I trying to lift so heavy today? I should've stuck with 190 for today.”
My mind is playing tricks on me. I step up to the bar and again, I squat down and grab the bar. I push hard with my heels and the bar is in motion again. I complete 10 repetitions and move right into explosive push ups. From those I move to the Bulgarian Split Squat and end the set with 10 two point rows on each arm.
On the third set of deadlifts, I still manage 10 repetitions. I move on to the explosive push ups. The sweat is literally dripping off my head onto the mat on the ground. My arms are shaking as I do the explosive push ups.
“I wonder if I should drop the weight on the final set of deadlifts?” my mind is thinking.
I finish off the Bulgarian Split Squats and the two point rows and get ready for the next set of deadlifts.
“I need to push through” is what I'm thinking, so I don't change the weight.
I push hard through the next set of deadlifts and manage 9 repetitions before I reach the point of failure. I drop the bar to the ground and feel quite satisified with what I just did.
“Why do I do this?” my mind wonders.
I move through the 2 sets of the second giant set and then it is off to the cardio area.
“I have hit a pretty high heart rate during my workout, so maybe I can do cardio later?” I think.
Despite what my brain says, I step onto the treadmill. I am aiming for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes I start to think strange thoughts.
“This is boring. I can't believe I forgot my mp3 player in the car!”
I continue on and work towards that 20 minute goal. Steady cardio at 4.5 mph with an incline of 4.0. I am sweating profusely as I walk quickly on the treadmill.
“Why do I do this?” my mind wonders yet again.
It is now 10 minutes into the cardio workout.
“I should just go into the cool down now.” my mind is working on tricking me again.
I continue pushing forward. I am now at 12 minutes.
“I should stop now.” my mind thinks.
I continue to work. I am now at 16 minutes.
“Why do I do this?” my mind continues to wonder.
Finally I hit 20 minutes. What a dream this has been. Except…
This wasn't a dream at all. It is what really happened at the gym this morning and it gave me the answer to the question “Why do I do this?” There's a selfish answer and a not so selfish answer.
The selfish answer: I do this for the triumphs and victories I get at the gym like today's personal best on the deadlifts and because it is taking me closer to my ultimate goals.
The not so selfish answer: I want to inspire others to do the same thing. I want to inspire others to workout as hard as they can and to get them to leave it all on the gym floor.
I do it because my goals have propelled me forward and I almost feel compelled to do my workouts. Stong or weak on a given day, I give it my all and in the end, I feel better about myself (witness the smile on my face now).
My workout log:
Exercise | Results (Weight/Sets/Reps) |
Deadlift | 195 x 10 *[PB] 195 x 10 *[PB] 195 x 10 *[PB] 195 x 9 *[PB] |
Explosive Pushups | BW x 11 BW x 11 BW x 11 BW x 11 |
Bulgarian Split Squats | 25 x 10 25 x 10 25 x 10 25 x 10 |
2 Point Bent Row | 40x 12 *[PB] 40 x 12 *[PB] 40 x 12 *[PB] 40 x 12 *[PB] |
Deadlift from a box | 85 x 20 85 x 20 |
Dumbbell Bench Press | 35 x 20 35 x 20 |
Walking lunges | 25 x 20 25 x 20 |
Seated Cable Row | 80 x 20 80 x 20 |
*PB=Personal Best |
Until tomorrow…