Today began the new phase in time for me. I get to rest this week from weights and just focus on cardio as I just finished my Fat Loss III program. I thought I had two more workouts to go, but when I went to print the next week's workout log, it showed that I was done and should be on a rest week. I will just continue to do some hard cardio.
I've decided that this week I will do double cardio on what would have been the non lifting days and single cardio on days that would have been lifting days. It will keep my body in a situation where it is getting the rest it needs.
Today I focused on my macronutrient ratios. I managed to keep them at 51/31/18 when I was shooting for 50/30/20, so that's a major success for me. My high carb day today really helped to replenish my energy and it felt great. I'm finding that I'm learning to make the right food decisions instinctively now.
I am also focused on drinking nothing but water and one glass of milk each day. I have to drink the milk because if I don't and my calcium levels go down, I get leg cramps or worse and I'm not willing to risk that and not be able to workout. I am not putting myself in that position.
I can't believe that I'm almost 1/3 of the way through my first mission. It feels like it was just yesterday that I started this journey. I guess when you make good progress the time goes by faster!
I got to watch the Patriots and Eagles play tonight. It was a great game and it got me thinking about underdogs and favorites yet again. When you have nothing to lose, it isn't that hard to step up and do your best. It is much more difficult to be in the position of favorite and have to come up with a particular result than it is to be the underdog because nobody expects the underdog to come out on top. The underdog just has to show up and produce a decent result. Well, shredders, we are in the same situation. Nobody truly expects us to get into top form, so any results we produce in the right direction will impress them. I see it all the time. People asking if I lost weight, gained muscle, etc. It is funny actually. However, the better shape I get in, the more important it is for me to maintain those results because people are going to expect that as well.
In the end, I know this is a life long journey without any end. Each mission I undertake will lead to yet another mission for me to undertake. That won't ever stop.
Until tomorrow…