Today was day 2 of the Metabolic Surge dietary program for me and thanks to alot of vegetables, my energy levels are maintaining at a high level.
I did 30 second intervals on a Treadclimber today. It felt like it took longer to get my heart rate up, but I was able to maintain it at that level just as easily as the treadmill. I am going to start rotating the machines I use for cardio to keep my body guessing. Next will probably be the stationary bike.
I did some journaling today to clear my head as I head towards the midway point of my first mission. I've started to set daily goals for myself that involve simple things like “I drank 148 ounces of water today” and “I ate 6 small, healthy meals today” so that I have some smaller goals that will lead me to the larger goal. I've always found that technique to be effective.
I managed to post the podcast today and it appears that several people have listened to it. I am planning the topic for the next podcast for next week. I'm thinking that I may do a review of Optimum Anabolics because I've mentioned it here before or I may do a run down of some of my favorite exercises and why they are my favorite. I have a few days to decide.
Until tomorrow…